[2] Confucius said, "Disciple, you are filial when you enter, and you are younger when you leave. You sincerely believe that you have always loved people, but you are kind. If you have extra energy, go to study literature. "
"3" Xia Zi said: "The sage changes color; Parents can do their best; As a gentleman, you can pass through him; Make friends and keep your word. Although I have not studied, I will call it learning. "
"4" Confucius said: "A gentleman is not arrogant if he is not heavy; Learning is not solid. Lord is faithful. A man without friends is worse than himself. Don't change it after it. "
"5" Confucius said: "A gentleman doesn't think about eating enough and being safe. If he is sensitive to things and careful about what he says, he will have an appropriate way and be honest. It can be said that he is eager to learn. "
"6" Zi Gong said: "Poor but not flattering, rich but not arrogant?" Confucius said, "Yes; If you are not poor, you will be happy, and those who are rich and courteous will also be. " Zi Gong said, "What does the poem mean if it is as sharp as a probe and polished as a mill?" Confucius said, "If you give it, you can tell the past and know who came."
Confucius in "Seven" said: "I am determined to learn five out of ten, stand at thirty, not be confused at forty, know my destiny at fifty, listen to my ears at sixty, and do what I want at seventy, without exceeding the rules."
Confucius said: Look at what it is, what it is, and what its security is for. What about people? Awkward? "
"9" Confucius said, "Reviewing the past and learning new things can be a teacher."
"10" Confucius said, "Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous."
1 1 "Confucius said," If you are willing to be good, there is no evil. "
"12" Zi Gong asked, "Why did Confucius call it Wen?" Confucius said, "I am quick and eager to learn, and I am not ashamed to ask questions. It is called' Wen'."
13 "Ai Gong asked:" Who is a studious disciple? " Confucius said to him, "Those who have Yan Hui are eager to learn, will not be angry but will never fail. Unfortunately, if you are short-lived, you will die today. I have never heard of a good scholar. "
"14" Confucius said: "quality is better than literature, and literature is better than quality. Gentleness is a gentleman. "
"15" Confucius said: "The knower is not as good as the doer, and the doer is not as happy as the musician."
"16" Confucius said, "What's wrong with me if I study silently and never tire of learning and never tire of teaching?"
"17" Confucius said: "If you don't cultivate yourself, don't talk about learning, you will have nothing to rely on, and if you change everything, you will be worried."
"18" Confucius said, "No anger, no anger, no anger. No three turns,no. "
Lord Ye asked Confucius about Luz, but Luz was wrong. Confucius said, "A woman is a human being if she doesn't say anything. She was angry and forgot to eat, and she was happy and forgot her troubles. I don't know that old age is coming. "
"20" Confucius said: "I was not born to know, so I am old and eager to seek."
"2 1" Confucius said: "In a threesome, there must be a teacher: choose good and follow it, and change evil and follow it."
"22" teaches four things: words, actions, loyalty and faith.
"23" Confucius said, "I have nothing to do with what I don't know. Listen more, choose good and follow; Read more and understand more; I know the second time. "
"24" Confucius said, "If it is a sage, how dare I? If you don't stop it and teach people tirelessly, you can say that the cloud has gone. " Gong Xihua said: "Only disciples can't learn."
"25" Confucius said, "After three years of study, it is not difficult to get it. 」
[26] Confucius said: "If you fail to learn, you are afraid of losing. 」
"27" Confucius said: "You can learn * * *, but you can't adapt to the Tao; Compatible with Tao, not with it; You can and can't stand with power. " "China, Tang Di, on the contrary; Am I not like you? The room is far away. Confucius said, "If you didn't think about it, why didn't you have it? "? 」
"28" Confucius said, "Being knowledgeable and versatile can also be a blessing for a husband. 」
"29" Confucius said, "recite poems three hundred times; Grant it to politics, not to be decided by it; Make it everywhere, not just right; Although a lot, but also xi thought? 」
"30" Confucius said: "Give it, and women will give it to those who know more for learning?" Yes, "of course, not with?" Yue: "No! Give it consistency. 」
"3 1" Confucius said, "I tried to think without eating all day and sleeping all night; It's no use learning. 」
"32" Confucius said: "A gentleman seeks the Tao without seeking food; Farming is also awkward; Learn, and Lu is among them. A gentleman worries about Tao but not poverty. 」
"33" Confucius said: "Knowing it, benevolence can't keep it; If you get it, you lose it. Knowing it, benevolence can keep it, and non-Zhuang can make it; Then the people have no respect. Knowing it, benevolence can keep it, and Zhuang can present it without ceremony; Not so good. 」
"34" Confucius said: "Those who are born with knowledge are also superior; Those who learn and know, second; Learn from difficulties, and secondly. If you are trapped and don't learn, the people are next! 」
"Ask Yu Boyu:" Does Zi also have different opinions? " Yes, "not yet. When you taste independence, carp often goes beyond the court. Yue: "How about learning poetry? "Yes," not yet. "If you don't learn poetry, you have nothing to say! Carp retired to study poetry. One day, when it is independent, the carp will rush through the court. Yue: "How about learning etiquette? "Yes," not yet. " "If you don't learn manners, you can't stand it! Carp retired to learn etiquette. Vince, both. Chen Kang stepped back and said happily, "Ask one question and you get three. You can smell poetry and courtesy. "。 I also heard that a gentleman is far from his son. 」
"36" Confucius said: "You are also a woman who has heard six words and six covers?" Yes, "not yet." "Go home! My daughter: a good "benevolence" is not easy to learn, and its cover is also "stupid"; Good "knowledge" is not easy to learn, and the cover is also "swinging"; Honesty is not easy to learn, and its cover is also a thief; Good "straight" is not easy to learn, and the cover is also "twisted"; Good "courage" is not easy to learn, and the cover is also "chaotic"; Good "Gang" is not easy to learn, and the cover is also "Crazy". 」
"37" Confucius said, "Boy! What's Mo Xue's poem? Poetry: You can be excited, watch, group and complain; Your father is a thing, and your father is a distant thing; Know more about the names of birds, animals, grass and wood. " The son said, the fish said, can a woman call Nan Zhou Nan? People, not for Nan Zhou, but for the south still standing on the wall? 」
"38" Xia Zi said, "Although there are trails, there must be quite a few people; He who is afraid of mud is a gentleman. 」
Xia Zi said, "I know the day when he died, and I have never forgotten what I could do in that month. Can be said to be eager to learn! 」
"40" Xia Zi said: "erudite and determined, inquisitive and thoughtful; Benevolence is among them. 」
"4 1" Xia Zi said, "every worker can stay in the office and let it happen; A gentleman learns what he knows. 」
"42" Ziyou "said," The boy, the master of midsummer, can be swept away, dealt with, advanced and retreated. Suppress to the end; There is nothing in it, so what? " Wen said, "Hey! Words wander! What is the way of a gentleman? Who is tired? For example, the vegetation is different from the area. How can the way of a gentleman be falsely accused? Only saints begin and end! 」
Xia Zi said, "If you are an official, you will learn; To study well is to be an official. 」
[44] Wei Gongsun Sheng asked Zi Gong: "How did Zhong Ni learn? Zi Gong said, "The way of civil and military affairs has not fallen to the ground, but lies in people. The sage knows its greatness, and the unpretentious knows its smallness, so there is a way of civil and military affairs. Master doesn't learn, but he often teaches! 」
"45" Confucius said, "If you don't know your destiny, you don't think you are a gentleman. If you don't know the etiquette, you can't stand it. If you don't know what to say, you can't know who you are. 」