Behind-the-scenes production of drug lords
Co-creator and executive producer JosePadilha (EliteSquad and Robocop) co-starred in the play, playing the famous Brazilian actor WagnerMoura (Elite Squad and Elysium) of PabloEscobar. BoydHolbrook (GoneGirl Gone Girl) and PadroPascal(gameoftrones) play two DEA agents SteveMurphy and JavierPena respectively. You will also see Colombian Juan Pabruraba (El Corazon de Lochiano), Joanna Christie (Once) and famous Mexican actor Steven sigman (007 movie Ghost Party). Colombian actor ManoloCardona (manolo cardona), famous Brazilian actor Andremattos (Elite Force Elites Quadr), beloved Puerto Rican actor LuisGuzman (Buginez), Mexican actor AnadelaReguera (PE teacher laughs and goes east &; Amp down "and" crazy priest NachoLibre "). Eric Eric Newman (Innocent Child), Doug Miro, Carlos Bernard (The Witch's Apprentice) and Chris brancato (Hannibal) will be the executive producers of the play, which will be produced by Gomon TV, a subsidiary of Netflix.