Proverbs are concise and concise phrases that are widely circulated among the people. Most of them reflect the practical life experience of working people and are usually passed down orally. It is mostly an easy-to-understand short sentence or rhyme in spoken form.
Ready-made words commonly used in people's lives. Proverbs are similar to idioms, but they are more colloquial and easy to understand. They generally express a complete meaning and are almost always one or two short sentences in form.
The content of proverbs covers a wide range, some are agricultural proverbs, such as "before and after the Qingming Festival, sow melons and beans"; some are political proverbs, such as "If you sow melons, you will get melons, and if you sow beans, you will get beans"; Common sense proverbs in various fields, such as "Humility makes people progress, pride makes people fall behind." "A hundred steps after a meal will make you live to be ninety-nine." There are many categories and countless.
Extended information
Proverbs are artistic statements that are collectively created by the people, widely circulated, concise, comprehensive and relatively qualitative. They are a regular summary of the people's rich wisdom and universal experience. Appropriate use of proverbs can make the language lively and interesting and enhance the expressiveness of the article. The content reflected by proverbs involves all aspects of social life. In terms of content, there are generally the following categories: meteorology, agriculture, health, society, and learning.
For example, hygiene:
Hygiene proverbs are summarized by people based on their knowledge of health care. For example:
1. Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer without a doctor’s prescription.
2. Walk a hundred steps after a meal and live to be ninety-nine.
3. If you eat at the right time, your body will be disease-free.
4. If you want to live longer, eat more tofu and less meat
5. It takes a hundred days to break your muscles and bones
Baidu Encyclopedia - Proverbs