1. My whole life is related to work with children and adolescents.
2. Some things can wait, but the cultivation of children cannot wait.
3. Children are our future and our hope.
4. It is one of our deep-rooted traditions to abide by our bounden duty towards children.
5. The result of all work and efforts, in the final analysis, should be to improve the health and welfare of children. This is a rule that applies to everyone's life everywhere
6. Knowledge comes from hard work.
7. The only way to silence me is to shoot me or imprison me.
8. Knowledge is obtained from hard work, and any achievement is the result of hard work.
9. Youth are the defenders of the fruits of revolution and the force that accelerates history toward a better world.
10. Innovation must be based on the masses and serve the masses.
11. Only a revolution based on the masses and serving the masses can crush the power of warlords and politicians.
12. Youth are the pillars of the revolution.
13. Only by reform that is based on the masses and serves the masses can we dare to get rid of the shackles of imperialism and truly implement socialism
14. Any achievement is the result of hard work.
15. We must give the most precious things to children.