Write a short essay of about 600 words with a famous saying of Confucius and Mencius.
Confucius said, "Benevolence depends on itself, but on others?" ("The Analects of Confucius Yan Yuan") From this sentence, we can see that Confucius believes that to truly achieve "benevolence", it must be done consciously, rather than relying on others, and emphasizes the importance of personal subjective initiative in the process of benevolence. There are many such examples in The Analects of Confucius. For example, Confucius said, "If you are a mountain, you will stop until it is finished. For example, on the flat ground, although covered, I will go. " (The Analects of Confucius Zi Han) That is to say, a pile of soil can make a mountain, but I stopped, because I stopped and didn't finally make a mountain. On the flat land, although there is only a pile of soil, if I want to pile it, it is because I want to pile it myself. The extended meaning of Confucius' sentence is that whatever you do is your own business. If you want to succeed, if you give up halfway, you will fall short. You need every little makes a mickle, you can't give up halfway. Whether you succeed or fail depends on yourself and has nothing to do with other external conditions and environment. "Although you are motivated, I will go." Confucius also said, "Can you work hard on benevolence for a day?" ? I have never seen anyone who is weak. It was covered, but I didn't see it. "(The Analects of Confucius says that I have never seen a person who is unable to do good in one day. Maybe, but I haven't seen it. From these examples of Confucius, we can see that Confucius believes that the way of "benevolence" is "for oneself" and benevolence is something in people's hearts. As long as we practice, we can achieve it. Finally, Confucius also divided the practice of benevolence into gentlemen and villains. He said that "a gentleman seeks for himself, while a villain seeks for others" (The Analects of Wei Linggong). The way for a gentleman to seek benevolence is by himself, that is, by his own subjective efforts, while a villain relies on others to realize benevolence, which has nothing to do with external conditions, but through his own practice. Source: Communication research.