It is better to be poor and happy than to be rich and worry.
The bones should be strong, the Qi should be soft, the ambition should be big, the courage should be small, the heart should be empty, the words should be truthful, the wisdom should be increased, the blessings should be cherished, worries should not be far away, and worries should be close.
Those who are kind-hearted will live longer. Those who are engraved in their hearts will live longer.
Ordinary people are lost in the present and regret in the past. Saints are aware of the present and are liberated from the future.
Sit quietly and think about your own mistakes. Don’t talk about others’ faults in small talk. Being able to suffer is a person with lofty ideals. Being willing to suffer is not an idiot. Only by respecting gentlemen can you show your virtue. Being afraid of villains is not considered incompetent. If you take a step back, the sky is brighter. Let the three points of your mind be calm. If you want to make progress, you need to think about taking steps back. If you start, consider letting go first. If you are successful, you should not start again. There should be room for steps in everything you do. Holding gold is precious, knowing that peace and happiness are worth a thousand gold, thinking twice before things happen, and being patient when angry is the best. Don't be greedy for unexpected wealth. Those who are content will always be happy. If you can handle things in this way, you will be happy and carefree throughout your life.
If you don’t ask for anything rashly, your mind will be at peace; if you don’t do anything rashly, your body will be at peace.
For reference only, I personally think that the full text of the Book of Commandments can be used.
As a husband and a gentleman, you should cultivate your character with tranquility and cultivate your virtue with frugality. Without indifference, there is no clear ambition; without tranquility, there is no way to reach far. The husband must be quiet to study, and the talent must study. Without learning, there is no way to expand talents; without ambition, there is no way to achieve learning. If you are arrogant and slow, you will not be able to stimulate your essence, and if you are dangerous and impetuous, you will not be able to cultivate your nature. Years go with the times, thoughts go with the sun, and they become withered and withered. Many people do not take on the world, and they stay in the poor house with sadness. What will happen again!