"The momentary strength depends on strength, and the eternal victory depends on reason" means that temporary gains and losses may depend on who is stronger, but long-term victory or defeat still depends on who follows the trend and who is more reasonable; this sentence The words come from Feng Menglong's "Chronicles of the Kingdoms of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty". The original text is "The strength of a moment depends on strength, and the victory or defeat of the ages depends on reason."
The source of the original sentence in "The Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Dynasties·Chapter 14":
It was the winter of the eighth year of King Zhouzhuang. Qi Xianggong sent out five hundred chariots and arrived at the Wei border with Wei Hou Shuo first. The kings of the four kingdoms each brought their troops to the meeting. Which four princes? Song Min Gongjie, Lu Zhuang Gongtong, Chen Xuangong Chujiu, and Cai Aihou performed dances. When the Marquis of Wei heard that troops from the five kingdoms were arriving, he consulted with Gongzi Xie and Gongzi Zhi, and sent the official Ning to kneel down to express his concern to Zhou. King Zhuang asked the ministers: "Who can save the defender for me?" Zhou Gong Ji's father and Xi Guo Gongbo both said: "Since the royal family attacked Zheng and lost its prestige, it has been unable to give orders. Now the princes of Qi do not care about Wang Ji's lineage. Dear, the four kingdoms are united in the name of Najun, and the soldiers are strong and invincible. "The last person in Zuo Ban stepped forward and said: "The words of the two princes are different! Okay?" Everyone looked at him as a corporal. Zhou Gong said: "The princes have lost their country, why should the princes accept it?" Zitu said: "The establishment of Qianmou has been reported to the king. After establishing Qianmou, Zi Shuo must be deposed. The two Dukes did not accept the king's order as obedient, but instead Accepting the princes to be obedient is something that cannot be understood by Chengdu! "Guo Gong said: "In military matters, we must act according to our capabilities. The royal family has been weak for a long time. In the battle of Zheng, the former prince was still in the army, and he has been targeted by Zhu Dan. In the past two generations, I have not been able to answer the question. What's more, the strength of the four countries is ten times that of Zheng. It is like using an egg against a stone to help, and it is just a shame. What's the use?" Zi Tu said: "The affairs of the world are governed by force. It is always the case that force prevails over reason. It is the essence of reason. The strength of the moment depends on the strength, and the victory or defeat of the eternal lies in the principle. "There is no longer a king in the world. How can all the princes be called ministers of the dynasty?" Duke Guo could not answer. Zhou Gong said: "If a rescue force is raised today, can you let it go?" Zitu said: "The method of nine attacks is in the hands of Sima. If the sudden position is small and weak, it is not his responsibility; no one will be willing to go there. , Tu dare not die, I would like to take Sima's place!" Zhou Gong said again: "Can you save the guards and ensure victory?" Zi Tu said: "If you use Wen, Wu, Xuan, etc., you can win. The spirit of Ping spoke uprightly, and the four kingdoms repented of their sins. The blessing of the royal family was not due to sudden daring! "The official Fu Chen said: "The sudden words are very powerful, and they can make the world know that there is someone in the royal family." King Zhou followed. He sent Ning Kneeling back to defend the country in advance, and Wang Shi set off later.