.Zengzi said: "I reflect on myself many times every day: Am I doing my best when doing things for others? Is it honest when dealing with friends? Have I reviewed the studies taught by the teacher?"
< p>2. Confucius said: "When you see a wise person, think about it; when you see an unworthy person, you have to reflect on yourself."2. Confucius said: "When you see a wise person, think about being like him. When you see an unworthy person, you should think about yourself." A wise person should reflect on whether he has similar faults."
3. Zigong asked: "Is there anyone who can say something that can be carried out throughout his life?" Confucius said: "How can I forgive you? What you don't do is what you want to do." If you want, don't do it to others."
3. Zigong asked: "Is there one sentence that I can stick to throughout my life?" Confucius said: "That is probably 'Forgiveness'! What I hate Don't impose things on others."
4. Zengzi said: "A scholar cannot be without great perseverance. The responsibilities are heavy and the road is long. Benevolence is one's own responsibilities. It is not as important as death. It is not as far away. "
4. Zengzi said: "A scholar must have a broad mind and a firm will, because he shoulders a great mission and the journey is long. He regards the realization of the ideal of 'benevolence' as his own mission , isn’t it also very important? Isn’t it a long way until death?”