What kind of princes would rather have?
There is a sentence that Shengzai Chen said when chatting with others beforehand:
Swallows know the ambition of a swan.
Chen Shengsheng, a native of Yangcheng, is involved in words. Wu Guangzhe, Yang Xia (Ji m:) is also a person, and the word uncle. When Chen She was young, he tried to plow with people's servants, and he was disappointed for a long time on the ridge where he dropped out of farming. He said, "If you are rich, you will never forget each other." The servant smiled and replied, "If you work as a servant, how can you be rich?" Chen She sighed, saying, "Well, the swallows know the ambition of a swan (hónghú)!"
in July of the first year of the second year, he sent a garrison to Yuyang, and 9 people moved to osawa township. Chen Sheng and Wu Guang both became captains of the chariot. It will rain heavily, the road will be blocked, and the temperature has been lost. If the time is lost, the law will be cut. Chen Sheng and Wu Guang said, "If you die today, you will die if you make big plans. If you wait for death, how can you die?" Chen Sheng said, "Ku Jin is suffering all over the world. I heard that II had a younger son, but it was not done properly, and it was done by Fu Su, the son. Fu Su remonstrated the reason with several words, and made foreign generals. If you are not guilty today, you will be killed by II. Many people hear about their sages, but they don't know their deaths. Xiang Yan, a general of Chu, made many contributions, loved foot soldiers, and the Chu people pitied him. Or think of death, or think of death. Today, I sincerely call myself Fu Su and Xiang Yan, and sing for the world. I should be more responsive. " Wu Guang thought so. Naixingbu Knowing what it meant, the diviner said, "Everything is accomplished with the first step, and you have made meritorious deeds. However, the ghost of the first step! " Chen Sheng and Wu Guangxi, thinking of ghosts, said, "This will teach me to show my ears first." It's Dan Shubo who called him "zēng Chen Shengwang" and put him in the belly of a fish. It is strange that a pawn buys fish for cooking and gets a book in the belly of the fish. In the temple next to Wu Guangzhi, there was a bonfire at night, and the fox called "Great Chu Xing, Chen Shengwang". All the soldiers were frightened at night. On the day of death, stroke often speaks, all referring to Chen Sheng.
Wu Guangsu loves his wife, and his foot soldiers are mostly users. Drunk the captain, so he said that he wanted to die, resented the captain, humiliated him, and angered his public. Wei Guo (ch Ο) is wide. WeiJianTing, widely, seize and kill the commandant. Chen Sheng assisted him and killed two commandants. The summoner said, "When it rains, all of them are overdue, so they should be beheaded. Don't cut by the first order, but guard the dead. And if a strong man dies, he will be famous, and princes will have seed! " All the disciples said, "I respect your orders." Fu Su and Xiang Yan, the sons, are pretending to be obedient to the people. Being partial to the right is called Da Chu. Alliance for the altar, sacrifice to the captain. Chen Sheng became a general and Wu Guang was a captain. Attack osawa township, and attack Qiu (qí). Under the circumstance, Ge Ying, the commander, turned his soldiers to the east. Attack (zhì), hairpin (cuó), bitter, zhe, Qiao (qiáo) all under it. Ok, retreat. Compared with Chen, he rode six or seven hundred cars, rode more than a thousand, and died tens of thousands of people. When attacking Chen, Chen Shouling was absent, and he was alone in the door of Cheng and the war. Fu Sheng, Shou Cheng died, but it is according to Chen. A few days later, the order called the three elders, heroes and all to come to the accounting office. The three elders and the heroes all said, "The general has been determined and determined, and he has no way to attack, and he has destroyed Qin and re-established the state of Chu, so he should be king." Chen She was made king, nicknamed Zhang Chu. At this time, all the counties and counties who suffered from Qin officials were punished by their long officials, and they were killed in response to Chen She.