Laozi was critical of Confucianism. There are famous sayings such as "The great road is destroyed, but benevolence and righteousness" and "Therefore, virtue comes after the loss of morality, benevolence comes after the loss of virtue, righteousness comes after the loss of benevolence, etiquette comes after the loss of righteousness. Those who are polite are the end of loyalty and the beginning of chaos." Some people advocate that "Taoism and Confucianism are used together", which is self-contradictory and contradictory to each other, and should not be used. Laozi created the "Tao Te Ching" to expose the hypocrisy of Confucianism's advocacy of "benevolence, justice, etiquette"! The right path in the world is subject to vicissitudes of life, and taking the right path is better than all false slogans!