Reference answers and analysis for the 37th issue
Reading comprehension training (1)
Reference answers
A 1-5 ADCBC B 6-9 BBDB
C 10-14 DABDB
Part A (Nature)
This article is a narrative. A heavy rain may seem like nothing at ordinary times, but for the author, the heavy rain he encountered left him hanging between life and death.
1. A. Detailed understanding questions. The answer can be seen from the sentence "I know that boiling rivers exist — but they're always near volcanoes" in the first paragraph.
2. D. Detailed understanding questions. The answer can be found according to the Yacumama ... at the origin of the heated water in the second paragraph.
3. C. Reasoning questions. According to the sentence in the third paragraph, A friend at the nearest village had told me, "Use your feet like eyes." You can't see heat, but you can feel it when you step near it, it can be inferred that the author wears sandals for use. Feet feel heat.
4. B. Detailed understanding questions. According to the description in the fourth and fifth paragraphs, it can be seen that the author was not only unable to see the surrounding situation due to the water mist, but was also in danger of being scalded by the boiling river water, or even scalded to death. According to the words in the last paragraph, for a matter of minutes, it thinned the line between researching and being boiled alive, it can be seen that the author was in danger of losing his life.
5. C. Title summary questions. This article mainly tells the author's experience of the thin line between life and death beside a section of river that exceeded the boiling point. Item C is a pun and is an appropriate title.
Part B (Literature and Art)
This article is an expository article. The article introduces two ancient African arts.
6. B. Detailed understanding questions. The answer can be seen from the sentence "They remembered things from the past ... by making works of art" in the first paragraph.
7. B. Detailed understanding questions. The answer can be seen from the words in the second paragraph: To remember their ancestors and to honor the powers of Chiwara... and performed a dance like leaping antelopes.
8.D. The main idea of ??the paragraph. Based on the words first, Next, then, When, After and other words in the last paragraph, it is not difficult to infer that this paragraph mainly introduces the steps of making the statue.
9. B. Reasoning questions. According to the content of the article, Mali and Ife are both located in Africa, so the two arts introduced in this article belong to African art.
Part C (Shopping)
This article is a practical article. The article is a survey report about backpacks.
10. D. Reasoning questions. According to Is one pack better than another... all reported to be hot sellers in the second paragraph, it can be inferred that these experiments are to compare some hot-selling backpacks.
11. A. Detailed understanding questions. According to But they quickly made it clear that they preferred a traditional backpack to the messenger bag with the design of a single strap in the third paragraph, children do not like the single shoulder strap design of single shoulder bags very much compared to backpacks. .
12. B. Detailed understanding questions. The answer can be found according to The Kelty Gemini has many different uses and is only $35. It's a CR Best Buy in the upper paragraph of the table.
13. D. Detailed understanding questions. According to the contents of the table, compared with the L.L. Bean Jet Stream, the Eastpak Compadre is slightly inferior in design, but its waterproofing is better. The two are priced differently, but both perform equally well in terms of durability.
14. B. Detailed understanding questions.
According to The Timbuk2 El Ocho... lacks a backpack's variety of features, which lowered its score in the ratings and the scores of Timbuk2 El Ocho's various indicators in the table, the single format is the reason why it ranks last .
Reading Comprehension Training (2)
Reference Answers
A 1-4 DADC B 5-9 BDACB
C 10- 14 CCABB
Part A (Personal Situation)
This article is a narrative. The article is an introduction to two beauty queens.
1. D. Detailed understanding questions. The answer can be seen from the sentence "Her stylish clothes and milky skin did not pass unnoticed among the town's ladies" in the first paragraph.
2. A. Detailed understanding questions. According to She was the first self-made female millionaire in the second paragraph, we can know the answer.
3.D. Detailed understanding questions. The answer is based on Elizabeth Arden's section Borrowing $6,000 from her brother, she used the shop space to open her first salon on 5th Avenue in 1910.
4. C. Reasoning questions. According to what Arden said in the last paragraph, you're as old as you feel and she improved her own image of ageless beauty by successfully hiding her age, which was not discovered until her death, it can be inferred that Arden thinks that people think how old they are. How big it will be when it rises. She practices elegance throughout her life, so age does not stop people from staying beautiful.
Part B (Interpersonal Relationships)
This article is a narrative. The author's landlord is a difficult person to deal with, but the author achieved the purpose of lowering the rent through clever methods of sincere praise.
5. B. Detailed understanding questions. According to the words "Once I wanted to get my rent reduced" in the first paragraph and the following description of how it seems hopeless for the landlord to reduce the rent, the main problem the author faces is: the lease of the house he rents is about to expire and he wants to renew it. , but I hope the rent can be lowered.
6.D. Detailed understanding questions. The answer can be seen from the sentence "I didn't begin talking about how high the rent was. I began talking about how much I liked his apartment house" in the second paragraph.
7. A. Reasoning questions. According to the third paragraph, the landlord has never met a tenant like the author before. Combined with "What a pleasure it is," he said, "to have a satisfied tenant like you." we can judge that the landlord's reaction should be "Surprised and satisfied."
8. C. Reasoning questions. According to the first paragraph, we can know that the author is studying courses on interpersonal communication. Combined with his specific performance in the second and third paragraphs, we can judge that he is very good at dealing with others.
9. B. Main theme. This article mainly tells the story of the author negotiating with the landlord to lower the rent. The key to his success lies in sincere praise. The last paragraph is the topic paragraph of this article.
Part C (Modern Technology)
This article is an explanatory text. An Israeli company has developed a device that can extract water from the air to alleviate the water crisis.
10. C. Detailed understanding questions. According to The clean air enters our GENius heat exchanger system where the water is removed from the air in the third paragraph, this system can be used to extract water from the air.
11. C. Chapter structure questions. Based on the context, we can see that this sentence is about: the collected water passes through the filtration system to remove possible chemical and bacterial contaminants. So it refers to the collected water.
12. A. Detailed understanding questions.
According to more energy efficient in the fifth paragraph and Kohavi says it uses $0.02 worth of electricity to produce a liter of water, as opposed to $0.2 for a liter of bottled water, Water-Gen’s atmospheric water Generators have the advantage of saving energy.
13. B. Detailed understanding questions. According to the statement in the third to last paragraph that it uses $0.02 worth of electricity to produce a liter of water, it costs $0.02 to produce 1 liter of water, so it costs $10 to produce 500 liters of water.
14. B. The main idea of ??the paragraph. The penultimate paragraph of the article says that this technology can benefit ordinary people, and the last paragraph explains how it can benefit ordinary people, so the last two paragraphs mainly talk about the practical uses of this technology.
Reading Comprehension Specialization (3)
Reference Answers
A 1-5 BAACD B 6-9 CDBD
C 10- 14 ACABD
Part A (Interpersonal Relations)
This article is a narrative. F. Gale Connor's new cars had problems one after another. He neither made a fuss with the seller nor argued and argued, but solved the problems in a gentle and friendly way.
1. B. Reasoning questions. According to The use of gentleness and friendliness in the first sentence of the article, we can know that the author quoted Lincoln's famous saying to emphasize the importance of gentleness and friendliness in interpersonal communication.
2. A. Detailed understanding questions. The answer can be found according to F. Gale Connor of Lutherville... had to take his four-month-old car to the service department of the car dealer for the third time in the first paragraph.
3. A. Detailed understanding questions. According to the second paragraph, it can be seen that Mr. F. Gale Connor did not argue or argue with the seller, but solved the problem in a gentle and friendly way, so item A is correct.
4. C. Word meaning guessing questions. According to the context of the second paragraph, Mr. F. Gale Connor came to this car dealership to buy a car through the recommendation of a friend. It can be seen that this car dealership has a good reputation, so Mr. F. Gale Connor kindly reminded The other party: If the current incident is not handled well, it may "tarnish" their reputation.
5.D. Reasoning questions. According to the last sentence of the second paragraph, Not only did he personally get involved, but he also lent me his car to use while mine was being repaired, it can be seen that Mr. White, the person in charge of the car dealership, was not only personally involved in this matter, but he also lent me his car to use while mine was being repaired. The car was lent to F. Gale Connor, so it can be judged that he helped a lot in this matter.
Part B (Travel)
This article is an explanatory text. In recent years, the escape room game has emerged in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, which is very popular among tourists.
6. C. Detailed understanding questions. The answer can be seen from the words "Rabbit Hole"... becoming a top attraction for tourists in the second paragraph.
7.D. Reasoning questions. According to the Escape games take advantage of Budapest's many shabby basements and old houses in the second paragraph, Budapest has many shabby basements and old houses, which provide unique conditions for the establishment of secret rooms.
8. B. Detailed understanding questions. The answer can be seen according to Visitors can recover with some free food and drink after their escape in the third paragraph.
9.D. Reasoning questions. According to "with these many competitors" in this sentence, there are more and more people operating escape room games, and the competition is becoming more and more fierce. It can be inferred that the prosperity period of escape room games has passed, and it can no longer be as profitable as before.
Part C (Family)
This article is an argumentative essay.
There are huge differences between men and women when it comes to caring for children.
10. A. Writing purpose questions. The author introduces the topic of this article through an argument she had with her husband: There are huge differences between men and women when it comes to taking care of children.
11. C. Detailed understanding questions. The answer can be found according to In Sweden... men use about 20 percent of the 480-day benefit in the third paragraph.
12. A. Detailed understanding questions. The answer can be seen from the sentence in the fourth paragraph: Men have more than doubled the time they spend on childcare since 1985.
13. B. Detailed understanding questions. According to Notably in the study, the parenting activity that gave men the most pleasure (and women, too) was playing and talking with their kids in the last paragraph, we can know the answer.
14. D. Questions about the author's attitude. According to the issue at the end of the article is... that men, for all their progress as fathers, are still missing out, the author believes that although men have made great progress in taking care of children, they still do not do a good enough job. It can be inferred that the author is not very satisfied with the performance of men in taking care of children.