Sima Zhong, the Emperor of Jinhui, is articulate and full of emotion. Although his intelligence is not outstanding, he can still be regarded as a lower-middle level. And Sima Dezong, the Emperor of Jin 'an, is a complete idiot.
The Book of Jin An Di Ji says, "The emperor does not benefit, but he grows from little to long, and he can't speak. Although he has changed in cold and summer, there is no argument. Everything that stops is not your own "; "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" said that "An Di is young and not wise, and he can't speak. As for cold and summer hunger, he can't tell, and eating and sleeping are not his own"; "Continued Jinyang Autumn" said that "An Huang is not wise, and he can't stop living by himself. (Gong) Every time the emperor waits, the news is cold and hungry, but he is humbly prepared." From childhood to death, Emperor Jin 'an could not speak, did not know how hungry he was, did not suffer from cold and heat, could not take care of himself by eating and drinking Lazarus, and relied on others to take care of all matters. This kind of "idiot emperor" in the true sense was the only example among emperors in previous dynasties.