"People can't stand without faith, and businesses can't prosper without faith" can be understood as: people can't stand on their feet without honesty, and business can't prosper without honesty.
A man can't stand without faith, and his career can't flourish without faith. It comes from The Analects of Confucius, in which Confucius said, "A man without faith doesn't know what he can do. The sentence "If there is no cart and no car, how can it be done?" is very vivid. Comparing a person who does not speak credit to a cart and a car without credit means that a person who does not speak credit cannot move.
China people have always believed in honesty and trustworthiness. People can't stand without faith, and businesses can't prosper without faith. The ancients used idioms such as keeping a promise and keeping a promise as good as a thousand dollars to describe the weight and preciousness of a promise. "Honesty" and "faithfulness" can be said to be the cornerstones of China's traditional culture.
The way to be honest
To cultivate a person's honesty and trustworthiness, we must of course start from an early age. Parents should be honest and trustworthy to their children and let them understand its importance, so as to form the habit of honesty and trustworthiness.
No matter where we are, we should learn to be cautious and independent. That is, whether a gentleman is alone or with others, the practice is the same. Do what you promised others. If we can't finish it, we should explain the reason to others in time and apologize. Don't make up lies to deceive others. If it is a white lie, it can be allowed. But if it is a lie for self-interest, we must resolutely resist it.