The mountain is not high, and the fairy is famous. The water is not deep, and the dragon is the spirit. I am a humble room, but I am virtuous. The moss on the stage is green, and the curtain grass is green. There is no Ding Bai who laughs and has a university. You can tune the pipa and read Jin Dian. There is no confusion, and there is no complicated form. Zhuge Lu in Nanyang and Ting Yun Pavilion in West Shu. Kong Ziyun: "What's the matter?"
Li Bai's Preface _ Spring Banquet Peach and Plum Garden
The husband of heaven and earth, the inverse of everything; Time flies, and a hundred generations have passed. And floating like a dream, for joy geometry? The ancients walked by candlelight at night, not bad. Kuang Yangchun told me to smoke, and I made a big fake article. Will be full of peaches and plums, family happiness. Qun Ji Jun Xiu, all for Huilian; We sing, and we are ashamed of our happiness. You didn't get a reward. You can tell me. Give a banquet, sit on flowers, fly feathers and get drunk on the moon. If there is no masterpiece, why open your arms? If the poem fails, it will be punished according to the number of wines in Jingu.
Su Shi-Night Tour in Chengtian Temple
Genpox, on the night of October 12, 2006, took off his clothes and went to bed. He just saw the moonlight on the door and got up happily for a walk.
Thinking that there was no one to play with, I went to the Tianhou Palace to find Zhang Huaimin. People didn't sleep, so we walked in the yard together.
In the moonlight, the courtyard is full of clear water, as clear as clear water. The algae and shepherd's purse in the water are the shadows of bamboo and cypress.
What night is there no moonlight? Where is there no bamboo and cypress? It's just the lack of free people like us.