1. In addition to kindness, I do not admit that there are other signs of superiority. -- Beethoven 2. At present, around us, we can see the two purest sparks - the sparks of justice and freedom - shining. --Volume 3. What I call a hero is not a person who wins with ideas or strength, but a person who is great only because of his heart. --Volume 4. I would like to prove that whoever behaves noblely and kindly will also be able to endure suffering. --Beethoven 5. Success or failure is irrelevant. What matters is greatness, not appearing great. -- Michelangelo's famous sayings at the beginning of the volume: 1. "Finally freed from the prison of marble." 2. "Sleep is sweet, becoming a solid stone is even more blissful, as long as there is shame and sin in the world. , Not seeing, not hearing, being ignorant is my greatest happiness, don’t wake me up!” 3. “Recent relief paintings are the best paintings.”
Secret love for someone, painful and happy, just silently. Here are some sentences about unrequited love, which are not obvious. Welc