1. Superstition is the religion of the weak-willed.
Superstition is milquetoast religion.
2. The progress of human thought is slow.
People thought progress is slow.
3. Sleeping all the time while standing guard is tantamount to betrayal and surrender to the enemy.
Standing guard always sleeping is defected to defect.
4. Good order is the foundation of everything.
Education is a country’s cheap defense.
5. Education, is a national defense cheaper.
Education is the country’s main defense force.
6. Education is the chief defense of nations.
Ambition can crawl and soar.
7. Ambitious will crawl will soar.
Inaccuracy is the essence of all great things.
8. Don't is the essence of all great things for sure.
Good order is the foundation of everything.
9. Good order is the foundation of all things.
Learning without thinking is like eating without converting.
10. To read without reflection is like eating without digesting.
It is always wisest to be magnanimous in matters of politics.
11. In the political magnanimity is always the most sensible.
A nation will never permanently accept the rule of its conquerors.
12. A nation never permanently accepts the ruling of the conqueror.
The only condition for evil to prevail is the silence of good people.
13. Evil Pvails, the only condition of the kind of silence.
If freedom is worthy of the name, then everything will be subject to it.
14. If freedom is worthy of the name, then everything will obey it.
The only condition for the evil to win is for the good to stand aside.
15. The wicked Pvail the only condition is that good people do nothing.
There is a limit to restraint, beyond which it is no longer a virtue.
16. Restraint there is, however, more than the limit is no longer a virtue.
Precedent is the school of mankind, and mankind will only absorb true knowledge from it.
17. Precedent is the institution of humanity, the human will only learn knowledge.
The reason why evil wins is because good people do nothing!
18. Evil is the victory, because the good people do nothing!
Like a small group of like-minded friends in society, this is the basic principle of human social attributes.
19. Like a small group of like-minded friends in society, it is the basic principle of people's social attribute.
A certain amount of power must exist in some name. In the community, it exists in the hands of some people.
20. A certain amount of power, inevitably exists in society, in the name of some existed in some people's hands.
A common mistake is to think that the loudest in the crowd The complainers are the ones hurt the most.
21. A common mistake is that the crowd of the loudest complainers is most hurt.
Because wealth is power, all forces will inevitably use one or other means to seize wealth. .
22. Because wealth is power, so all power is bound to grab by means of this east that wealth.
Wisdom cannot create materials, materials are gifts from nature or opportunity. And the pride of wisdom lies in making use of them.
23. Wisdom cannot create material, material is natural or opportunity given, and the pride of wisdom is to use them.
Having the tolerance to tolerate everything and the ability to improve everything, this These two points are what I consider to be the standards for a ** home.
24. Has all inclusive tolerance and improve the ability of both the standard of politicians is what I think.
The opponents we fight with have strengthened our muscles and tempered our abilities. Skills, our opponents are our helpers.
25. With our strong our bones and muscles, pancratium opponent hone our skills, our opponent is my helper.