According to People's Republic of China (PRC) Bill Law, the existing bills of exchange in China are divided into bank bills and commercial bills.
1. Bank draft. The remitter deposits the money in the local bank, and the bank issues a bill of exchange to the remitter for transfer settlement or cash withdrawal in different places. This bill is called a bank bill. Among them, those used for transfer settlement are called "transfer bills" and those used for cash withdrawal are called "cash bills"
2. Commercial paper. That is, a bill issued by the payee or payer (or applicant for acceptance), accepted by the acceptor, and paid by the payee or endorsee on the due date. According to different acceptors, it can be divided into commercial acceptance bills and bank acceptance bills. (1) Commercial acceptance bill. Refers to a commercial bill issued by the payee and accepted by the drawee, or issued and accepted by the drawee. (2) Bank acceptance bills. Refers to the commercial bill issued by the payee or the acceptance applicant, and the acceptance applicant applies to the bank, and the bank reviews and agrees to accept it.
(2) Promissory notes
Promissory note, also known as promissory note, is a bill issued by the drawer and promised to unconditionally pay a certain amount to the payee or holder at sight.
Promissory notes can be divided into bank promissory notes and commercial promissory notes. (1) A cashier's check means that the applicant deposits money in the bank and the bank issues it to him for transfer settlement or cash withdrawal. There are two types of cashier's checks in China: no limit and no limit. Among them, the starting point of cashier's check with no fixed amount is 100 yuan; The denominations of fixed cashier's checks are 500 yuan, 1000 yuan, 5,000 yuan and 10000 yuan. (2) Commercial promissory notes. That is, promissory notes issued by commercial units, organs, organizations and institutions. China's negotiable instrument law only refers to cashier's checks payable at sight.
(3) check
A cheque is a bill issued by the drawer, and a bank or other financial institution entrusted to handle cheque deposit business unconditionally pays a certain amount to the payee or holder at sight.
China's "Bank Settlement Measures" divides checks into two types: non-fixed checks and fixed checks. (1) Irregular inspection. Refers to the bill issued by the depositor of the bank to the payee for settlement or entrusting the bank to deliver the money to the payee. Among them, "transfer check" is the kind that can only handle fund settlement and transfer, but can't withdraw cash; What can be used to withdraw cash and transfer money is a "cash check". (2) Fixed inspection. Refers to the bill that the purchasing unit deposits the money in the bank and the bank gives the farmers to pay for the purchase of agricultural and sideline products.