MA 10:MA(C, 10);
Average difference: = ma5-ma10;
Green column area: =IF? (average difference; 0)),0);
Red column area: =IF? (moving average difference > 0, SUM (EMA *0. 1, BARSLAST (EMA)
Average area: IF (average difference > 0, red column area, green column area) * 100, COLOR9999FF, NODRAW.
A 1:=IF (moving average difference >; 0, 1,- 1);
A2:=REF(A 1, 1);
a3:= a 1 * A2;
a4:= bars last(A3 & lt; 0);
a5:= A4+ 1;
Average strength of trend: (SUM (mean difference, 0)-REF(SUM (mean difference, 0), a5)/a5, colorful ff 00ff, no draw;
DRAWBAND(MA5,RGB( 1 10,20,0),MA 10,RGB( 10, 1 10,60));
IF(MA5 & lt; MA 10,MA 10,DRAWNULL),COLOR55DD00
Wire drawing (high, open, low, closed);
{plus two moving averages}? Ma (C, 20); Ma (C, 60);
Ref (ma5, Barslast (LLV (ma5, Barslast (moving average line area >); 0))=MA5))、POINTDOT、COLORDDDDDD
Ref (ma5, Barslast (HHV (ma5, Barslast (average area
* * * * * * * * The following part is the number displayed by Flying Fox on the main map, but the address book does not have this function * * * * * * * *
DRAWNUMBER(REF (average difference, 1)>0? And then what? Average difference
DRAWNUMBER(REF (average difference, 1)>0? And then what? Average difference
DRAWNUMBER(REF (mean difference, 1) < 0? And then what? Average difference > =0? , LLV(L, 8), REF(ABS (green column area), 1), 3), align 2, pxdn5, color 004a00.
DRAWNUMBER(REF (mean difference, 1) < 0? And then what? Average difference > =0? , LLV(L, 8), REF(ABS (trend average strength), 1), 3), align 2, pxdn30, colorff 00ff.
DRAWNUMBER(ISLASTBAR? And then what? Average difference
DRAWNUMBER(ISLASTBAR? And then what? Average difference
DRAWNUMBER(ISLASTBAR? And then what? Average difference > 0, HHV(H, 5), ABS (red column area), 3), align 2, pxup20, colored;
DRAWNUMBER(ISLASTBAR? And then what? Average difference > 0, HHV(H, 5), ABS (trend average strength), 3), ALIGN2, PXUP45, COLORFF00FF? };
Look at the picture-
Supplementary question: Numbers need to be displayed.
From the above, it can be clearly seen that a communication letter can't display numbers on the map-this is determined by the communication letter itself. According to the different numbers, you can look at the "average area" of the label bar. The positive number is the red column area and the negative number is the green column area.