Usually we use the driving test software on PC or mobile phone to prepare for the exam. After the reform, the question bank of subject 4 has increased from more than 700 to more than 1000. It is a practical method to do all the questions in the question bank first, and then conduct a mock exam. Of course, there are many formulas about the four questions on the Internet now, which can be used to memorize the questions more effectively. For the little friends who grind guns, they can only directly simulate the memory formula, and they can get along with common sense in life.
Subject 4 Examination Form
Examination contents: safe driving, civilized driving, emergency handling, traffic accident handling, etc.
Test questions: multiple choice questions, true or false questions, multiple choice questions.
Examination rules: the examination time is 45 minutes, and the examination is * * * with 50 questions. 2 points and 90 points or more are entitled to pass. If you fail the first exam, you can make up the exam on the spot.
What do you need to pay attention to in the fourth exam?
All subjects have experience in brushing questions and can change them flexibly, so you should carefully examine the questions during the exam. In addition, the first three subjects to be tested in the exam and the materials of the ID card must not be omitted. Remember to sign your name after the exam.
You can get a driver's license on the spot after passing the subject four exam. I believe that countless bitterness and sweat will turn into smiles at this moment. In addition to driver's license, you can also get an internship visa. When driving a vehicle during the internship period, you need to put this internship sign at the rear of the car. On the back of the driver's license home page, there is a corresponding quasi-driving model. Taking C 1 as an example, the quasi-driving models are small cars, small automatic cars, low-speed trucks and three-wheeled cars.