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Instructions for submission to Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine

Requirements for manuscripts

1. Medical ethics issues and informed consent: When the main subject of the paper is human research subjects, the author should provide the approval document of the institutional, regional or national ethics committee and the informed consent form of the subject or his relatives.

2. Fund project: If the topic involved in the paper is a national, ministerial or provincial-level fund or research project, it should be noted on the lower left foot of the homepage of the article, such as "Fund project: National Natural Science Foundation (30271269); 'Tenth Five-Year Plan' National High-Tech Research" Development Plan (2003AA205005)”. A copy of the fund project certificate must be attached.

3. Title: Strive to be concise, eye-catching, and accurately reflect the topic of the article. The Chinese title should generally be within 20 Chinese characters. It is best to have no subtitle, generally no punctuation, and try not to use abbreviations. The English title should not exceed 10 content words. The Chinese and English titles should have the same meaning.

4. Author's signature: The author's name should be arranged in order under the title of the article. The order should be determined before submission and should not be changed during the editing process. The name of the author's unit (please write down the department where he works) and the zip code are footnotes on the lower left side of the home page, and indicate the corresponding author and his email address. Authors should be: (1) those who participate in topic selection and design, or in the analysis and interpretation of data; (2) those who draft or revise key theories or other main content in the paper; (3) able to respond to the editorial board’s revision opinions Those who review and revise the paper, defend it in the academic world, and finally agree to publish the article. The above 3 items must be present at the same time. Those who only participate in obtaining funds or collecting data cannot be listed as authors, and those who are only general managers of scientific research groups should not be listed as authors. At least one author must be responsible for each main conclusion in the article. If there is a foreign author among the authors, a letter signed by the foreign author agreeing to be published in this journal should be attached. For collectively signed articles, the author's name should be listed below in the title, and the organizer's name should be listed at the end of the article. The main person responsible for the article must be clearly identified, and the corresponding author's name, organization, postal code, and email address should be noted in the footer of the first page of the article. Generally, only one corresponding author is listed, determined by the contributor. If you need to indicate the members of the collaboration group, please list the units and names of the collaboration group members before the references at the end of the article.

5. Abstract: The paper must be accompanied by a Chinese and English abstract. The abstract should include four parts: purpose, methods, results (main data should be given), and conclusion. Each part should be titled accordingly. Write in the third person, without drawings or tables, citing literature, or adding comments or explanations. The English abstract should include the title, author's name (Chinese Pinyin), unit name, city name, postal code and country name. All authors’ names should be listed. If the authors’ working units are different, only the corresponding author’s working unit should be listed. Add “*” in the upper right corner of the corresponding author’s name, and add “*” in the upper left corner of the initial letter of the corresponding author’s unit name. For example: "LIN Xian-yan*, WU Jian-ping, QIN Jian, LIU Hong. *Department of Pediatrics, First Hospital, Peking University, Beijing 100034, China". Chinese abstracts generally have no more than 400 Chinese characters, and English abstracts have approximately 250 content words. The English abstract generally corresponds to the content of the Chinese abstract, but for the needs of external communication, it can be slightly more detailed.

6. Keywords: The paper needs to be indexed with 2 to 5 keywords. Keywords should be selected from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of the U.S. National Library of Medicine as much as possible. For Chinese translations, please refer to the "Medical Subject Headings Annotated Alphabet List" compiled by the Institute of Information, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. New professional terms (free words) that are not included in the vocabulary can be used directly as keywords, and it is recommended to be ranked last. The abbreviations in the keywords should be restored to their full names according to the "Medical Subject Heading Annotation Word Order"; the first letter of each English keyword should be capitalized, and each word should be separated by ";".

7. Research design: The name and main methods of the research design should be informed. Such as survey design (divided into prospective, retrospective or cross-sectional survey research), experimental design (the specific design type should be informed, such as self-paired design, group design, crossover design, factorial design, orthogonal design, etc.), Clinical trial design (should inform which phase of the clinical trial it belongs to, what blinding measures are used, etc.); the main practices should be outlined around the four basic principles (replication, randomization, control, balance), especially how to control important non-clinical trials. Interference and influence of experimental factors.

8. Statistical methods:

(1) Selection of statistical analysis methods: For quantitative data, the conditions for the data and the purpose of analysis should be used. Appropriate statistical analysis methods should not be blindly applied. Factor variance analysis; for qualitative data, the conditions and analysis purposes should be based on the type of design used, the nature and frequency of the qualitative variables, and the χ2 test should not be blindly applied. For regression analysis, professional knowledge and scatter plots should be combined to select the appropriate regression type, and linear regression analysis should not be blindly applied; for regression analysis data with repeated experimental data, the processing should not be simplified; for multi-factor and multi-index data, On the basis of univariate analysis, multivariate statistical analysis methods should be used as much as possible in order to make a comprehensive and reasonable explanation and evaluation of the interaction between factors and the internal connection between multiple indicators.

(2) Statistical symbols: written in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB 3358-1982 "Statistical Terms and Symbols". Commonly used: ① The arithmetic mean of the sample is in English lowercase (the median is still in M); ② The standard deviation is in English lowercase s; ③ The standard error is in English lowercase sx; ④ The t test is in English lowercase t; ⑤ The F test is in English uppercase F ; ⑥ Chi-square test is in Greek lowercase χ2; ⑦ Correlation coefficient is in English lowercase r; ⑧ Degree of freedom is in Greek lowercase ν; ⑨ Probability is in English uppercase P (the specific test value should be given before the P value, such as t value, χ2 value, q value, etc.).

(3) Expression and description of data: use χ±s to express quantitative data that approximately obeys a normal distribution, and use M (QR) to express quantitative data with a skewed distribution; when using relative numbers, the denominator It should not be less than 20. Pay attention to distinguish between percentage and percentage.

(4) Interpretation and expression of statistical results: When P<0.05 (or P<0.01), it should be said that the difference between the comparison groups is statistically significant, and the statistical analysis method used should be stated The specific name (such as: t-test for group design data, analysis of variance for two-factor factorial design data, q-test for pairwise comparisons between multiple means, etc.), the specific value of the statistic (such as: t=3.45 , χ2=4.68, F=6.79, etc.); when using inequality to express the P value, generally using three expressions: P>0.05, P<0.05 and P<0.01 can meet the needs, and there is no need to subdivide it into P< 0.001 or P<0.0001. When it comes to overall parameters (such as overall mean, overall rate, etc.), while giving the significance test results, a 95% confidence interval is also given.

9. Terminology: Medical terms should use terms published by the National Scientific and Technical Terminology Approval Committee. For subject terms that have not yet passed the review, you can use the subject terms in the latest version of the "Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)", "Medical Subject Headings Annotated Alphabet List", and "Traditional Chinese Medicine Subject Headings". For nouns and terms that do not have commonly translated names, the original word should be noted the first time it appears in the text. The names of Chinese and Western medicines are based on the latest versions of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia and Chinese Common Drug Names (both compiled by the Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission). English drug names use international generic drug names. Generally, trade names are not allowed to be used in drug names. When trade names are indeed needed, the common name should be indicated first.

Use abbreviations as little as possible in the text. When it must be used, state its full name first where it appears, and then indicate the Chinese abbreviation or the full English name and its abbreviation in parentheses. Well-known abbreviations can be used directly without annotation, such as: DNA, RNA, HBsAg, PCR, etc.

10. Charts: Each chart should have a figure (table) title. Explanatory text should be placed in the annotations below the figures (tables), and all non-public abbreviations used in the figures and tables should be indicated in the annotations. It is recommended to use a three-horizontal table (top line, header line, bottom line). If there is total and statistical processing content (such as t value, P value, etc.), add a dividing line above this line; the data in the table The effective digits of the same indicator are required to be consistent. Data graphs and photo graphs are required to have good clarity and contrast, and image graphs should be marked with left and right labels. If portraits are used, written consent from the person should be obtained, or the parts that can identify the person should be covered. Photos of gross specimens should have scale marks within the drawing. Pathological photos are required to indicate the staining method and magnification. If a chart is quoted from another journal, the source should be indicated and proof of consent from the journal for publication should be provided.

11. Units of measurement: The provisions on quantities, units and symbols and their writing rules in GB 3100~3102-1993 "Quantities and Units" are implemented. For specific implementation, please refer to the "Application of Legal Measurement Units in Medicine" compiled by the Chinese Medical Association Journal . When there is more than one slash indicating division in the combined unit symbol, it should be expressed in the form of a negative power. For example, ng/kg/min should be expressed in the form of ng·kg-1·min-1; slashes and negative numbers in the combined unit symbol Powers cannot be mixed either. In the description, the value of the legal measurement unit should be listed first, and the value of the old system unit should be written in brackets; if the same measurement unit appears repeatedly, the conversion coefficient between the legal and old system units can be noted when it appears for the first time, and then only the value of the legal measurement unit should be listed. Parameters and their tolerances must be attached with units. When the units of the parameters and their tolerances are the same, the unit can be written only once. For example: "75.4 ng/L±18.2 ng/L" can be expressed as "(75.4±18.2) ng/L ". The symbols of quantities are always in italics. For example, the symbol of absorbance (formerly known as optical density) is A, and "A" is in italics.

12. Numbers: Implement GB/T 15835-1995 "Regulations on the Usage of Numbers in Publications". Arabic numerals are used for Gregorian calendar centuries, years, years, months, days, hours, and counting and measurement. When there are ≥5 digits before or after the decimal point, each group of 3 digits should be separated by 1/4 Chinese character space. However, ordinal words, year, page number, unit number, instrument model, and standard number are not divided into sections. For the range and deviation of percentages, the percent symbol in the previous number cannot be omitted. For example: 5%~95% cannot be written as 5~95%, and (50.2±0.6)% cannot be written as 50.2±0.6%. Multiply the numerical values ??with dimensional units and write them in the following way: 4 cm×3 cm×5 cm. It cannot be written as 4×3×5 cm3.

13. References: The description format basically follows GB/T 7714-2005 "Rules for Description of References after the Text". Use sequential coding to prepare the description, mark it with Arabic numerals according to the order in which they appear in the text, and put the serial number in square brackets and arrange it at the end of the text. Try to avoid citing abstracts as references. Do not cite internal publications, unpublished materials, personal communications, etc. as literature. If you really need to cite them, you can indicate them in the corresponding places in the text. The author must check the cited documents (including the original meaning of the text and expression) with the original text. Foreign language documents need to provide the PMID number of PubMed. Please write Japanese Chinese characters according to Japanese regulations and do not confuse them with Chinese Chinese characters and simplified characters. No more than 3 authors of the same document should be described in full; if there are more than 3 authors, only the first 3 can be described, followed by words indicating ", etc." according to the genre of the document. The author's name should always be in the form of surname first and first name last. Foreign names should be in the form of abbreviations. There should be no abbreviation point after the abbreviation. The names of different authors should be separated by ",". Marking the document type mark after the title is a mandatory description item for electronic documents. Other documents can optionally be marked. The document type and electronic document carrier mark codes refer to GB 3469 "Document Type and Document Carrier Code". The names of foreign language journals should be abbreviated, and the format in Index Medicus shall prevail; the names of Chinese journals should be full names. Each reference must have a starting and ending page. Journals that are coded consecutively each year do not need to include issue numbers.

2. Submission requirements 1. Manuscripts should be advanced, scientific, and practical. The manuscript should have authentic information, accurate data, clear arguments, rigorous structure, concise writing, neat and standardized writing, and statistical processing should be performed when necessary. Papers generally should not exceed 4,000 words (including abstracts, charts, and references); the number of words for lectures, reviews, meeting minutes, and clinical pathology (case) discussion manuscripts may depend on the specific circumstances; short papers, case reports, etc. should not exceed 2,000 words. 2. Please submit your manuscript through the manuscript remote management system of the Chinese Medical Association Journal (click "Business Center" to enter the journal's remote manuscript management system). After successful online submission, the following materials need to be sent: (1) Manuscript processing fee, 40 yuan per manuscript (please be sure to indicate the manuscript number), remittance address: "Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine", No. 42 Dongsi West Street, Beijing 100710 Received by the editorial department; (2) Recommendation letter from the unit: indicate the review opinions on the manuscript and no double submission of the manuscript, no confidentiality involved, no dispute over signature, etc., and stamped with the official seal; (3) A printed copy (also The manuscript number must be indicated); (4) If this research is a funded project, a copy of the approval document must be attached. If you need help during the submission process, please call the editorial office.

3. Manuscript processing 1. This journal implements a three-review system based on peer review (preliminary review by the editor, external review by experts, and final review by the editorial board). Authors are required to inform potential conflicts of interest related to the research at the time of manuscript submission. Protect the privacy of authors' manuscripts during the review process. Manuscripts that are not intended for publication will be notified of rejection opinions. If the author has different opinions on the handling of the manuscript, the author has the right to apply for reconsideration and submit a written explanation of the appeal. 2. Manuscript Rejection: After review, the manuscripts that have been initially proposed for publication are sorted out according to the rejection opinions. In order to shorten the publication cycle and reduce errors, please return the manuscript through the manuscript remote management system first, and then send the printed copy of the revised manuscript back to the editorial department of this journal. The author's signature is required to indicate that the manuscript was not submitted twice. 3. "Fast Track" manuscript requirements: A specific review process will be adopted for papers that meet the "Fast Track" requirements. The review results of the paper (published as "Fast Track", processed as an ordinary manuscript, rejected, etc.) will be reviewed within 1 month after receipt. Please reply to the manuscript), and papers that meet the requirements will be published within 4 months after receipt. "Fast Track" papers must be innovative, important and scientific. The early publication of this paper will have a significant impact on clinical and scientific research work. The author should contact the editorial office to explain the basic situation of the research before submitting the manuscript. After receiving confirmation, submit the manuscript to the manuscript remote management system. After successful submission, inform the editorial department of the manuscript number and send the paper version of the manuscript to the editorial department by express mail. Manuscripts should meet the requirements of the journal's manuscript agreement and be accompanied by a letter of introduction from the institution. The author should provide written materials explaining the reasons why the paper needs to be published through the "fast track", and also provide a "novelty search report" issued by libraries at the provincial level and above or the Institute of Medical Information. At the same time, there will be written recommendations from two peer experts with senior professional titles (at least one of whom is an expert from outside the unit). The author can recommend 3 to 5 review experts (their contact details, including email, must be indicated) for the editorial department's reference. The author's correspondence address, phone number, email and other contact information should be provided. Anyone who requests to enter the "fast track" manuscript needs to pay a review fee of 400 yuan per article. Remit the payment to the editorial office of "Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine", No. 42 Dongsi West Street, Beijing 100710. Please be sure to indicate the "fast track review fee" in the postscript. 4. According to the "Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China" and combined with the actual situation of this journal, any submission that does not have clear processing opinions within 3 months after successful online submission is still under review. If the author wants to submit his work to other journals, please contact this journal first and do not submit the same manuscript twice. Once a manuscript is found to have been submitted twice, the journal will immediately reject it; and once a manuscript is found to have been used twice, the journal will handle it as follows: (1) Publish a statement withdrawing the paper and the duplicate publication, and publish it in the Chinese Medical Association series Notify in the magazine; (2) Notify the author's unit and other scientific and technological journals in the field.