According to foreign media reports, on June 2nd, local time, Macron visited the western cities. Among them, high school students skipped classes to meet him, and prepared a list of reasons, which read "I, Macron, allow these students to meet me late", and Mark Long actually signed it.
According to reports, these high school students took a piece of exercise paper and wrote in an official tone, "I, Macron, as the president of the Republic of China and the commander of the army, allowed these students to be late for class in order to see me", and waited for Macron to pass by them with this piece of paper. As Macron approached, a student shouted "Mr. President, we want you to sign some words".
Macron read the note and found it interesting. It took 10 seconds to sign his name and leave. He signed his name while laughing, and Jean-Yves Ledrien, the French foreign minister behind him, was also laughing.
These students went back to school and showed the note to the teacher. Everyone got together and felt funny. Someone copied it and posted it in the office. The PE teacher read the note and said that she didn't mind the students being late.