Zhou Yu made it difficult for Zhuge Liang to build 100 thousand arrows in ten days. This requirement is really harsh, but Zhuge Liang said it could be completed in three days, and he also made a written evidence. Two days ago, Zhuge Liang held his ground as if nothing had happened. On the third day, he secretly arranged for Lu Su to prepare 20 big ships with scarecrows tied to them. At midnight, there was fog on the river, and Zhuge Liang pretended to fight in front of the water village in Cao Jun. Cao Jun was afraid of being caught and ordered the archers to shoot. Zhuge Liang finished the task easily.
2. Offering sacrifices to the Seven-Star Altar to borrow the east wind skillfully
Zhou Yu was ill because there was no Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang wrote a prescription and said that everything was ready except the east wind. Said he could borrow the east wind, and then asked Zhou Yu to build him a nine-foot seven-star altar and make it himself. As a result, the east wind really blew a few days later. Zhou Yu was so jealous that he sent someone to assassinate Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang had already guessed and ran to Xiakou first.
3. Empty city plan
Zhuge Liang sent most of his troops to attack Wei Jun, leaving only some old, weak and sick people in the city. At this moment, he suddenly heard that Sima Yi, the viceroy of Wei Jun, had brought1.5000 troops to attack the city. Zhuge Liang was not afraid of danger, but also ordered to open the city gate and send someone to sweep it. Zhuge Liang sat on the rostrum, playing the piano by himself, with a calm attitude. Seeing this situation, Sima Yi felt that she was ambushed and did not dare to send troops rashly. Finally, he quit.
Seeing this wooden statue, the governor of Wei was very depressed.
Zhuge Liang broke down from overwork, bid farewell to the generals on his deathbed and arranged military affairs. After his death, although there was no secret mourning, Sima Yi saw the Shu soldiers retreating and knew the truth, so he urged the army to catch up quickly. Suddenly, the flag fluttered in the artillery array of Wuzhangyuan, and Zhuge Liang appeared in a four-wheeled vehicle, wearing a black silk scarf. When Wei Jun saw that Ge Liang was still alive, he abandoned his armor and ran for his life. Two days later, Sima Yi knew that the car was Woodenhead.
5. Tear Masu.
Ma Su volunteered to be stationed in the street pavilion, and met the resistance of the main force led by Jiang Wei and Zhang He. Ma Su disobeyed Zhuge Liang's original plan and refused to listen to Wang Ping's recommendation. Being outnumbered, he didn't leave the city, but gave up Mizutaniyama. As a result, Zhang He's army cut off the waterway and was defeated.
The fall of the street pavilion made Zhuge Liang very passive, and a very favorable war situation suddenly became a defeat. Although Zhuge Liang cherished Ma Su's talents very much, he resolutely beheaded Ma Su in accordance with the military law for the sake of strict military discipline, and went to the imperial court. He asked himself to be demoted to the third level, and he was investigated for personal responsibility for "unruly rules" and improper employment. ?