Operating environment: Huawei P50, HarmonyOS3.0.0 system and so on.
1. Drop down the screen and click Wireless Network.
2. Click on a WiFi.
3. Enter the password, and then click Connect.
Some common causes of network errors:
1. Unstable network connection: Unstable network connection is one of the common causes of network errors, which may be caused by network congestion, signal interference, equipment failure and other factors.
2.DNS resolution error: DNS resolution error refers to domain name resolution error, which may be caused by DNS server failure, domain name resolution error and other reasons.
3. Timeout error: When making a network request, if the response time exceeds the set timeout, a timeout error will occur.
4. Network security protection: firewall, intrusion detection system and other security protection devices may also affect network requests, leading to network errors.
5. Server failure: When making a network request, if the server fails, it may lead to a network error.
6. Application error: Errors in the application itself may also lead to network errors, such as incorrect request parameters and protocol mismatch.
7. Other reasons: Network errors may also be caused by other reasons, such as network viruses and operating system errors.