The second fine materials of Arknights Chengshan are fine 13W Longmen coins, magician chip X5, ketone agglomeration X7, solid source rock X4, trihydrate manganese ore X5, Specialization 3 Skills Summary Volume 3
How about the second and third materials of Arknights Clear Flash? The guide for the second and third materials of Clear Flash
1. Second material of Clear Clear
Fine 1: 3W Longmen Coin, Magician Chip
2. Skill Upgrade
Level 2: Skill Summary Volume 1 x 5
Level 3: Skill Summary Volume 1 x 5, damaged Device X4, ester raw material p>
Level 6: Skill Summary Volume 2 x 8, Guyuan Rock Formation X8
Level 7: Skill Summary Volume 3 x 8, Gel
3. Skill Specialization
Sparks Flying
Specialization 1: Skill Summary Volume 3 x 8, Modification Device x 3, Different Iron Group x 4
Specialization 2: Skill Summary Volume 3X12, Polymer Gel X4, Purified Source Rock X4
Current Surge
Specialization 1: Skill Summary Volume 3 X12, incandescent alloy block X4, RMA70-24X8
Specialization three: skill summary volume three >
Specialization 1: Skill Summary Volume 3X8, Trihydrate Manganese Ore X4, Compound Cutting Fluid /p>
Specialization 3: Skill Summary Volume 3X15, D32 SteelX6, Ketone ArrayX5