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F:\ Study for postgraduate entrance examination \ E-books \ Electronic Treasures
├—215 Examples Analysis of Automatic Control Principles _
├— 21st Century Information and Communication Technology Course Multimedia Communication _
├— 21st Century Information and Communication Technology Course Digital Circuits and FPGA _
├— 21st Century Information and Communication Technology Course Digital Speech: Practical Course of Speech Coding ├— Introduction to JAVA and Object-Oriented Programming, a series of teaching materials for computer application in 21st century —— A series of teaching materials for computer application in 21st century, C language, a practical course for universities —— A series of teaching materials for computer application in 21st century, discrete mathematics —— A series of teaching materials for computer application in 21st century, a network platform for computer information technology in universities _ EDA practical technology course of type-planning textbook _
├— Protel 99SE practical technology course of applied planning textbook for colleges and universities in the 21st century _
├— Electronic transaction and payment of applied planning textbook for colleges and universities in the 21st century _
├— Network and e-commerce security of applied planning textbook for colleges and universities in the 21st century. Second edition) _
-Linear Algebra (Second Edition) for 21st century colleges and universities _
-Visual Basic Programming Basic Course for 21st century colleges and universities' electronic information major planning textbook _
-Visual Basic Programming Course for 21st century colleges and universities' electronic information major planning textbook _
\ Training Course of Making Multimedia Courseware for Planning Textbooks _ < P > ├— Technical Basis of Network Security for Electronic Information Specialty Planning Textbooks in 21st Century Colleges and Universities _ < P > ├— Introduction to Network Security for Electronic Information Specialty Planning Textbooks in 21st Century Colleges and Universities _ < P > ├— Network System Integration Technology for Electronic Information Specialty Planning Textbooks in 21st Century Colleges and Universities _ < P > ├ Fundamentals of computer information management _
—— Computer hardware technology foundation of electronic information specialty planning textbook in 21st century colleges and universities _
—— Digital microwave communication system of electronic information textbook in 21st century colleges and universities _
—— Higher mathematics in 21st century colleges and universities planning textbook _
——— 21st century colleges and universities Database application and programming course of computer basic education series in colleges and universities in the 21st century _
├— Object-oriented C++ programming of computer science and technology textbooks in colleges and universities in the 21st century _
├— Electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic waves in textbooks in colleges and universities in the 21st century _
├— Remote sensing digital image processing of textbooks in colleges and universities in the 21st century _
├. The art of digital animation design _
-the principle and application of single chip microcomputer in the series of teaching materials for electrical information in colleges and universities in the 21st century _
-the principle and application of DSP in the planning teaching materials for colleges and universities in the 21st century _
-data communication and computer network in the planning teaching materials for colleges and universities in the 21st century. Microcomputer principle and interface technology _
├— A concise course of Java programming for computer science and technology planning teaching materials in colleges and universities in the 21st century _
├—— Microcomputer principle and interface technology for computer science and technology planning teaching materials in colleges and universities in the 21st century (8386-PE _
├—— Java for computer series teaching materials in colleges and universities in the 21st century)
├— Java programming experiment and training of computer series teaching materials in colleges and universities in the 21st century _
├—— Management information system of computer series teaching materials in colleges and universities in the 21st century _
├——— Programming logic and structured programming design of computer series teaching materials in colleges and universities in the 21st century (3rd edition) _
├———— 21st century higher vocational education. Computer Introduction to Planning Textbooks for Electronic and Information Specialty in Colleges and Universities _
├—31 Examples Analysis of Electrical Circuits (Volume I) _
├—372 Examples Analysis of Electrical Circuits (Volume I) _
├—488 Examples Analysis of Electrical Circuits (Volume II) _ < P > Expansion technology and application example of data transmission interface of the tablet computer _
├— InDesign CS standard textbook of Adobe Digital Art Center _
├—Advanced C++ (Chinese version) _
├—APSL parametric finite element analysis technology and its application example _
├—ASP+SQL Server. Design and Development Examples _
├—Authorware 6_5 Basic Course of Multimedia Production _
├— Analysis of BHDL Examples _
├— Ultimate Analysis of BIOS, Registry and Hard Disk _
├— Principle and System Design of Blackfin Series DSP _ < Application development standard tutorial _
├—C# programming training tutorial _
├—C# Object-oriented programming: platform version _
-C++Templates Chinese version _
-C++Builder 6 practical programming 1 cases _
-C++isomorphic object programming principle _
-C++multi-paradigm. _
├-experimental instruction and training of C++programming _
├-C++programming idioms-common methods and skills of advanced programmers _
├-C++network programming volume 2 Systematic reuse based on ACE and framework _
├-C++ ) (64-81)_
├—CDMA wireless communication principle _
├—CPLD_FPGA programmable logic device application and development _
├—C language and MATLAB interface: programming and examples _ _
├— Hundreds of Wonderful Programming in C Language _
├—Delphi 7_ Programming Tutorial _
├—Delphi 7 Application Tutorial _
—— Delphi 7 Database Development Tutorial _
├—— Delphi 7 Database Delphi programming skills _
├— 4 cases of Delphi classic game programming _
├—DELPHI serial communication technology and engineering practice _
├—Delphi database development case analysis _
├—Delphi database programming _
├. Delphi programming _
├-Delphi programming training _
├-Delphi programming tutorial _
├-Delphi essence 2 _
├-Delphi essence _
├-DSP communication engineering technology application _ _
├-DSP algorithm design and system scheme _
├-DSP system design and practice _
├-DSP chip principle and development application (3rd edition) _
├-DSP integrated development environment: CCS and DSP_BIOS principle and application _ > ├— Detailed explanation of ├—Enterprise Java Bean programming examples _
├— Introduction and improvement of Chinese version of Excel 23 _
├ —— IBM PC 8x86 assembly language programming _
├—— IBM information integration technology principle and application _
├—— IC EEE1394 interface technology _
├—Intel microprocessor architecture, programming and interface (6th edition) _
├—Intel assembly language programming 4th edition _
├—IP broadband communication network technology _
├—J2EE application and practical skills: Automation and performance _
├—J2EE network programming standard course _
├—J2METM technical manual _
├—J2ME development encyclopedia _
├—Java 2 learning guide —— Sun certified programmer _
├. Concise tutorial _
├—Java Web service development _
├—1 typical questions of SCJP _
├—Java mode _
├—Java game programming _
├. Planning and development examples _
├—Java basic course _
├—Java practical system development guide _
├— 1 cases of Java practical programming _
├—Java concurrent programming: design principles and patterns _
├. Tutorial _
├-Java data structure and algorithm (2nd edition) _
├-Java extreme programming _
├-Java programming 2 _
├-Java programming 3 _
├-Java Example _
├-Java programming tutorial _
├-advanced topic of Java programming _
├-Java algorithm (3rd edition, Volume 1) _
├—Java programming principle: for engineers and scientists _
├—JAVA defects _
├—— Java network programming foundation _
├—— Java language programming _
├— A project development practice _
├-Java advanced practical programming _
├-Jave2 certification examination study guide (4th edition) (English version) _
├-introduction and improvement of JBuilder 9 _
├-JBuilder Examples of design and development _
-matlab6 _ 5 and its application in signal processing _
-matlab6 _ 5 graphic and image processing _
-matlab7 _ practical guide (the first volume) _
-matlab7 _ Principle and Application of Boxes _
├— Interface between MATLAB and external programs _
├— Tutorial of Matlab Simulation Technology and Application _
├— Tutorial of Application of Leading Examples of MATLAB Simulation Technology _
├— Technical Manual of MATLAB Information Engineering Toolbox _
├. -MATLAB graphics and image processing application tutorial _
├-MATLAB toolbox application _
├-MATLAB applied mathematics toolbox technical manual _
├-MATLAB interface technology and application _
├-MATLAB control engineering toolbox technical manual _
├. -MATLAB power system design and analysis _
├-MATLAB programming _
├-MATLAB symbolic operation and its application _
├-MATLAB automatic control principle exercise solution _
├-MCS-51 single chip microcomputer principle and application example _