Second, the common system commands
Third, QQ shortcuts
Fourth, the use of shortcut keys in IE browser
Fifth, the shortcut keys in Word.
Sixth, the shortcut keys in Excel
Seven, shortcut keys in PowerPoint
Eight, Visual Studio
9. Eclipse
X. to modify (a picture or photograph) by computer.
XI。 Batch instruction
Twelve, install the operating system
First, the system shortcut keys
F 1 help
F2 renaming
F3 search
F4 address
F5 refresh
F6 exchange
F8 security mode
F 10 menu
F 1 1 full screen
INS insertion mode
Screenshot of PRTSCSYSRQ
Capital letter lock
Delete delete
ESC exit
Home page of the start or main program
end to end
Page up Page up Page up
Page down Page down Page down
Tab to change focus
CTRL+C copy
CTRL+X cut
CTRL+V paste
CTRL+Z undo
CTRL+Y recovery
CTRL+S save
CTRL+F5 forced refresh
CTRL+W close
CTRL+F lookup
CTRL+H substitution
CTRL+F4 close
CTRL+A select all
CTRL+P printing
CTRL+F 1 1 Hide or show the menu bar.
CTRL+ space Chinese-English input switching
CTRL+SHIFT input method switching
CTRL+ESC start menu
CTRL+ALT+Z QQ quickly extracts messages.
CTRL+ALT+ a QQ screenshot tool
CTRL+ENTER QQ sends a message.
CTRL+ALT+DEL task management
CTRL+ drag copy
CTRL+SHIFT+ drag to create a shortcut.
CTRL+ 1/2/3 ... Toggle labels.
CTRL+TAB switches tabs down in small menu mode.
CTRL+SHIFT+F input focus moves to the search bar.
CTRL+SHIFT+H opens and activates the home page you set.
CTRL+SHIFT+N opens the address in the clipboard in a new window. If there is text in the clipboard, a search engine is called to search for the text.
CTRL+SHIFT+S opens the Save Web Page panel (you can save all the contents of the current page, which is equivalent to CTRL+S).
CTRL+SHIFT+W closes all tabs (windows) except locked tabs.
CTRL+SHIFT+F6 switches tabs (windows) backwards in the chronological order of page opening.
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB switches tabs (windows) up in small menu mode.
WIN opens the start menu.
WIN+D display desktop
WIN+R is turned on and running.
WIN+L screen lock
WIN+F search file or folder
WIN+TAB project switching
WIN+ Pauses the System Properties dialog box.
WIN+M minimizes all windows.
WIN+SHIFT+M restores the minimized window to the desktop.
WIN+F search file or folder
WIN+CTRL+F search computer
WIN+L locks the computer or switches users.
WIN+R opens the run dialog box.
WIN+T cycles through the programs on the taskbar.
WIN+ digital startup locks the program in the taskbar.
WIN+SHIFT+ digital startup locks a new instance of the program in the taskbar.
WIN+CTRL+ number toggles to lock the last active window in the taskbar.
WIN+ALT+ number opens and locks the taskbar jump list.
WIN+TAB uses AERO FLIP 3d to loop between programs on the taskbar.
WIN+CTRL+TAB uses arrow keys to loop through programs on the taskbar through aero flip 3d.
WIN+CTRL+B switches to the program that displays messages in the notification area.
WIN+ Spacebar Preview Desktop
WIN+ Up Arrow Maximizes Window
WIN+ left arrow key maximizes the window to the left of the screen.
WIN+ right arrow key maximizes the window to the right of the screen.
WIN+ Down Arrow Minimizes Window
WIN+HOME minimizes all windows except the active window.
WIN+SHIFT+ Up Arrow key stretches the window to the top and bottom of the screen.
WIN+SHIFT+ Left Arrow or Right Arrow moves the window from one monitor to another.
WIN+P selects the demonstration display mode.
WIN+G cycle switching widget
WIN+U opens the easy access center.
WIN+X opens WINDOWS Mobile Center.
ALT+ENTER attribute
ALT+F4 off
ALT+ESC switching
ALT+PAGE UP switches programs from left to right.
Press ALT+PAGE DOWN to switch programs from right to left.
ALT+INSERT loop switching program
ALT+HOME displays the start menu.
ALT+ underlined letters display the corresponding menu.
ALT+PRINT screen clips the current window.
ALT+ spacebar displays the system menu of the current window.
ALT+TAB switches between open projects.
ALT+ESC switches cyclically in the order in which the projects are opened.
ALT+ENTER to view the properties of the selected item.
SHIFT+DELETE permanent deletion
SHIFT+TAB reverse switching
SHIFT+CTRL+TAB moves backward on the tab.
F5- Refresh
TAB key-change focus
Ctrl+x- cut
Ctrl+v- paste
Ctrl+a- select all.
Ctrl+z- undo
Ctrl+s- save.
Alt+F4- off
Ctrl+y- resume
Alt+tab- switch
Ctrl+F5- Force refresh
Ctrl+w- close
Ctrl+f- find
SHIFT+DELETE permanent deletion
CTRL+ALT+DEL task management
SHIFT+TAB- reverse switching
CTRL+space- Chinese-English input switching
CTRL+Shift input method switching
CTRL+ESC-start menu
CTRL+ALT+Z QQ quickly extracts messages.
CTRL+ALT+AQQ screenshot tool
CTRL+ENTERQQ sends a message.
Window +D displays the desktop.
Window +R opens and runs.
Window +L screen lock
Window +E opens my computer.
Window +F search file or folder
Window +TAB item switches cmd-CMD command prompt.
F 1 help CTRL+Z undo.
F2 was renamed as CTRL+O to open.
F3 Search SHIFT+ Delete Permanent Delete
F4 address deletion deletion
F5 refreshes the ALT+ENTER property.
F6 Toggles ALT+F4 to close.
The F 10 menu CTRL+F4 closes.
CTRL+A select all ALT+TAB switch
CTRL+C copy ALT+ESC switch
CTRL+X cuts ALT+ spacebar window menu.
Paste CTRL+ESC into the start menu.
Hold down the CTRL key while dragging an item to copy the selected item.
Press CTRL+SHIFT to create a shortcut while dragging an item.
When inserting a CD into a CD-ROM drive, pressing the SHIFT key can prevent the CD from playing automatically.
Ctrl+ 1, 2, 3 ... function: switch to 1, 2, 3 ... and skip from the left.
Ctrl+A function: select all the contents of the current page.
Ctrl+C function: copy the currently selected content.
Ctrl+D function: Open the Add Favorites panel (add the current page to favorites).
Ctrl+E function: open or close the search sidebar (optional for various search engines).
Ctrl+F function: open the lookup panel.
Ctrl+G function: open or close the simple favorites panel.
Ctrl+H function: open the history sidebar.
Ctrl+I Function: Open Favorites Sidebar/Other: Restore all vertically tiled or horizontally tiled or stacked windows.
Ctrl+K function: Close all tabs except the current tab and the locked tab.
Ctrl+L function: Open the "Open" panel (you can open the Iternet address or other files on the current page ...)
Ctrl+N function: create a new blank window (changeable, Maxthon Options → Labels → New).
Ctrl+O function: Open the "Open" panel (you can open the Iternet address or other files on the current page ...)
Ctrl+P function: Open the Print panel (you can print web pages, pictures, etc ...)
Ctrl+Q function: Open the Add to Filter List panel (send the current page address to the filter list).
Ctrl+R function: refresh the current page.
Ctrl+S function: Open the "Save Web Page" panel (you can save all the contents of the current page).
Ctrl+T function: Tile all windows vertically.
Ctrl+V function: Paste the contents of the current clipboard.
Ctrl+W function: Close the current tab (window).
Ctrl+X function: cut the currently selected content (generally only used for text operation).
Ctrl+Y function: redo the last action (generally only used for text operation)
Ctrl+Z function: Undo the last action (generally only used for text operation).
Ctrl+F4 function: Close the current tab (window).
Ctrl+F5 function: refresh the current page
Ctrl+F6 function: Switch tabs (windows) forward in the order in which the pages are opened.
Ctrl+F 1 1 function: hide or show the menu bar.
Ctrl+Tab function: Switch down tabs (windows) in the form of small menus.
Ctrl+ drag function: save the linked address, selected text or specified picture to a folder (the saving directory can be changed, Maxthon option → Save).
Ctrl+ keypad'+'function: the current page is enlarged by 20%.
Ctrl+ keypad'-'function: the current page is reduced by 20%
Ctrl+ keypad' *' function: restore the current page to its original size.
Ctrl+Alt+S function: automatically save all the contents of the current page to the specified folder (save path can be changed, Maxthon option → save).
Ctrl+Shift+ Keypad'+'function: all pages are enlarged by 20%.
Ctrl+Shift+ Keypad'-'Function: All pages are reduced by 20%
Ctrl+Shift+F function: the input focus is moved to the search bar.
Ctrl+Shift+G function: Close the simple favorites panel.
Ctrl+Shift+H function: Open and activate the homepage you set.
Ctrl+Shift+N function: Open the address in the clipboard in a new window. If the clipboard contains text, call the search engine to search for text (the search engine can choose Maxthon option → Search).
Ctrl+Shift+S function: Open the "Save Web Page" panel (you can save all the contents of the current page, which is equivalent to Ctrl+S).
Ctrl+Shift+W function: Close all tabs (windows) except locking tabs.
Ctrl+Shift+F6 function: Switch tabs (windows) backwards in the order of page opening.
Ctrl+Shift+Tab function: Switch tabs (windows) up in the form of small menus.
Alt+ 1 function: Save the current form.
Alt+2 Function: Save as Common Form
Alt+A function: expand favorites list
Use of shortcut keys in resource manager
Ends displaying the bottom of the current window.
The home page displays the top of the current window.
NUMLOCK+ minus sign (-) on the numeric keypad collapses the selected folder.
Numeric Lock+The plus sign (+) on the numeric keypad displays the contents of the selected folder.
Numeric Lock+An asterisk (*) on the numeric keypad displays all subfolders of the selected folder.
When the currently selected item is expanded, use the left key to collapse it or select its parent folder.
When the currently selected item is collapsed, right-click to expand it, or select the first subfolder.
Natural keyboard use command
Window shows or hides the start menu.
Window +F 1 Help
Window +D displays the desktop.
Window +R opens "run"
Window +E opens "My Computer"
Window +F search file or folder
Window +U opens the tool manager.
Window +BREAK displays "System Properties"
Window +TAB switches between open projects.
Auxiliary function
Press and hold the SHIFT key on the right for eight seconds to turn the filter key on and off.
Press the SHIFT key five times to turn the sticky key on and off.
Press and hold NUMLOCK for five seconds to turn the toggle key on and off.
ALT+SHIFT+ on the left+NUMLOCK on the left toggles the switch of the mouse button.
ALT+Shift+Shift+print screen on the left turns high contrast on and off.
Window control shortcut key
Win+Home: Minimize all windows except the active window.
Win+Space: make all windows on the desktop transparent (the same as moving the mouse to the lower right corner of the taskbar)
Win+ up arrow key: Maximize the active window (the same meaning as dragging the window to the upper edge of the screen with the mouse)
Shift+Win+ Up Arrow: Maximize the active window vertically (but keep the horizontal width unchanged).
Win+ Down Arrow: Minimize window/restore the previously maximized active window.
Win+ left/right arrow keys: push the window to the left and right of the screen (the same meaning as dragging the window to the left and right with the mouse)
Shift+Win+ left/right arrow keys: move the window to the left and right screens (if you have dual screens).
Toolbar shortcut bar
Win+ 1~9: Open the corresponding software on the taskbar. From left to right, it is Win+ 1 to Win+9.
Shift+Win+ 1~9: Open a new "avatar" of the corresponding location software, such as firefox, and a new window will be opened (the mouse is Shift+ point software).
Ctrl+Win+ 1~9: open the corresponding software and switch in the doppelganger.
Alt+Win+ 1~9: Open the right-click menu of the corresponding software.
Alt+Tab of the taskbar.
Ctrl+Shift+ mouse point software: Open the software with administrator privileges.
filing clerk
Ctrl+Shift+N: open a new folder.
Alt+ Up Arrow: Go to the previous folder.
Switch of preview panel.
Shift+ Right-click File: Two additional right-click options appear: Fix to Start Menu and Copy as Path.
Shift+ right-click the folder: "Open in a new process (open a new window)" and "Open a command window here (DOS! ) and Copy as Path are three other right-click options.
You can call up the traditional menu by pressing Alt in Explorer.
Win+P: projector output settings (screen only, synchronous display, expansion, projector only)
Win+ (+/-): Zoom in and out.
Win+G: Switch between gadgets on the screen.
Second, the common system commands
Press start-run, or press WIN +R and enter:
% temp %- Open temporary folder.
. -c: \ documentsandsettings \ folder where the user name is located.
..- C:\DocumentsandSettings
... my computer.
-drive c.
Appwize.cpl-Add and Remove Programs.
Access.cpl-accessibility options
ACC wiz- accessibility wizard
Cmd-cmd command prompt
Command-CMD command prompt.
Chkdsk.exe-Chkdsk disk check
Certmgr.msc-certificate management utility
Calc- start the calculator.
Charmap- Starts the character mapping table.
Cint setp- Cang Xie Pinyin Input Method
Cliconfg-SQL Server client network utility
Clipbrd-clipboard viewer
Control-Open the control panel.
CONF- start a network conference.
Master of Computer Management
Cleanmgr-garbage disposal
Ciadv.msc-indexing service program
DCOMNFG- open the system component service.
DDE sharing-open DDE*** to enjoy the settings.
Check DirectX information.
Drwtsn32-System Doctor
device manager
Desk. CPL- display properties.
DFRG。 Disk defragmenter
Diskmgmt.msc-disk management tool
Dvd player -DVD player
Eventvwr-Event Viewer
Eudcedit- word formation program
Browser-Opens the browser.
Fsmgmt.msc-*** * Enjoy the Folder Manager
Firewall. CPL-Windows firewall
Gpedit.msc-group policy
Hdwwiz.cpl-add hardware
Iexpress-Trojan binding tool, the system comes with it.
Inet CPL. CPL-Intel net option
International airport. CPL- Regional and Language Options (Input Method Options)
Irprops.cpl-wireless link
Joey. Game controller.
Lusrmgr.msc-local users and groups
Logout-Logout command.
The main one. CPL- mice
Mem。 Exe- displays memory usage.
MIG wiz- file transfer wizard
Mlcfg32.cpl - mail
Mplayer2-Simple widnowsmediaplayer
drawing board
Msconfig.exe- System Configuration Utility
MSTSC- Remote Desktop Connection
Magnifying glass tool
MMC- Open the console.
Mmsys。 CPL- sound and audio equipment
Synchronization command
NCPA。 CPL- network connection
Nslookup-IP address detector
Start the x service.
Stop the x service.
Command check interface.
Netsetup.cpl-Wireless Network Installation Wizard
Notepad-Open Notepad.
Nslookup-IP address detector
Narrator-screen "Narrator"
Ntbackup-system backup and restore
Ntmsmgr.msc-mobile storage manager
Ntmsoprq.msc-Mobile Storage Administrator Operation Request
Nusrmgr.cpl-user account
NWC。 CPL-NetWare customer service
OSK- Open the on-screen keyboard.
Odbcad32-ODBC data source manager
ODBCP32。 CPL-ODBC data source manager
Oobe/msoobe/a- check whether XP is activated.
Packager-Object Packaging
Perfmon.msc-computer performance monitoring program
Powercfg.cpl-power options
project manager
Registry Edit-Registry
Rsop.msc-group policy result set
Regedt32-Registry Editor
regsvr32/? -Call and uninstall the DLL file to be run (please enter regsvr32/? )
SAPI。 CPL- phonetics
Services.msc-local service settings
Create a briefcase
System configuration editor
File signature verification program
Sndvol32-Volume Control Program
Shrpubw-* * * Enjoy the folder setting tool.
Secpol.msc-local security policy
Sydm。 CPL system
Syskey- system encryption (once encrypted, it can't be unlocked, which protects the double password of windowsxp system).
Services.msc-local service settings
Sfc.exe system file checker
SFC/ScanNow-Windows file protection
Shutdown-shutdown command (please enter shutdown/? See cmd for details. )
Taskmgr- task manager
Telephon.cpl-phone and modem options
Remote connection program.
Timedate.cpl-date and time
Tourstart-xp xp introduces XP (roaming XP program after installation)
Tsshutdn-60-second countdown shutdown command
Utliman-Assistant Tool Manager
Winver- check the Windows version.
Winmsd- system information
Wiaacmgr-Scanner and Camera Wizard
Winchat-XP comes with LAN chat.
Wmimgmt.msc-Open Window Management Architecture (WMI).
Wuaucpl.cpl-automatic update
Wupdmgr-windows updater
writting tablet
Wscript-windows Script Host Settings
WSCui。 CPL- security center
C:/windows/ font
Third, QQ shortcuts
Alt+S quick reply
Alt+C closes the current window.
Alt+H opens the chat log.
Alt+T change message mode
Ait+J open chat record
Ctrl+A selects all the contents of the current dialog box.
The font setting toolbar is displayed directly in Ctrl+F QQ.
Enter in the Ctrl+J input box (the same effect as the input).
Enter in the Ctrl+M input box (the same effect as the input).
Ctrl+L aligns the text of the current line in the input box to the left.
Ctrl+R aligns the text of the current line in the input box to the right.
Ctrl+E centers the text of the current line in the input box.
Ctrl+V paste in qq dialog box
Ctrl+Z clears/restores the text in the input box.
Ctrl+ Enter quick reply. This is probably the most commonly used when chatting about QQ.
Ctrl+Alt+Z quickly extract messages
Ctrl+Alt+ capture screen
Fourth, the use of shortcut keys in IE browser
Universal shortcut key
F 1 1 Turn full screen mode on/off.
TAB Cycle through the address bar, refresh key, and current tab.
CTRL+F queries the words or phrases in the current tab.
CTRL+N opens a new window for the current tab.
CTRL+P prints the current tab.
CTRL+A selects all the contents of the current page.
CTRL+ plus sign to enlarge (plus sign stands for "+"because it is preceded by a plus sign to avoid misunderstanding)
CTRL+- zoom out
CTRL+0 restores the original size
Navigation shortcut key
ALT+HOME returns to the home page
ALT+LEFT returns to the next page.
ALT+RIGHT returns to the previous page.
F5 refresh
CTRL+F5 refreshes both the page and the cache.
ESC stops downloading pages.
Favorite center shortcut key
CTRL+I opens favorites
CTRL+SHIFT+I opens favorites in fixed mode.
CTRL+B organize favorites
CTRL+D adds the current page to favorites.
CTRL+J opens the feed.
CTRL+SHIFT+J opens the feed in fixed mode.
CTRL+H opens history
CTRL+SHIFT+H opens history in fixed mode.
Label shortcut key
CTRL+ left mouse button or middle mouse button opens the link to the new tab and switches to the new tab.
CTRL+SHIFT+ Left mouse button or CTRL+SHIFT+ Middle mouse button opens the link with a new tab without switching to the new tab.
CTRL+W or CTRL+F4 closes the current tab (that is, if there is only one tab, it will be closed).
CTRL+Q opens the quick tab view.
CTRL+T opens a new tab.
CTRL+SHIFT+Q to view the list of open tabs.
CTRL+TAB switches to the next tab.
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB switches to the previous tab.
Address bar shortcut key
ALT+D select address bar
CTRL+ENTER adds ""to the first text in the address bar.
CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER adds custom suffixes at the beginning and end of the text in the "http://www address bar".
ALT+ENTER opens the URL of the address bar with a new label.
F4 checked the previous address.
Search bar shortcut key
CTRL+E select search bar
CTRL+ View the list of search engines down.
ALT+ENTER opens search results with new tags.
Fifth, the shortcut keys in Word.
5. 1. Universal shortcut key
Ctrl+A selects the entire document.
Ctrl+B makes the selected document bold.
Ctrl+C copies the selection and puts it on the clipboard.
Ctrl+D modifies the selected character format.
Ctrl+E paragraph center
Ctrl+H finds and modifies the specified text or format.
Ctrl+I tilts the selected text.
Ctrl+N creates a new document or template.
Ctrl+O opens an existing document or template.
Ctrl+P print document
Ctrl+S saves the currently active document.
Ctrl+U underlines the selection.
Ctrl+V inserts the clipboard contents at the insertion point.
Ctrl+X cuts the selection and puts it on the clipboard.
Ctrl+Y repeats the previous operation.
Ctrl+Z cancels the previous operation.
Ctrl+ 1 Sets the line spacing to single-line spacing.
Ctrl+2 sets the line spacing to double spacing.
Ctrl+5 sets the line spacing to 1.5 times the line spacing.
Ctrl+] Increases the font size of the selection in points.
Ctrl+[ Decreases the font size of the selection in points.
Ctrl+"= "sets the selection to subscript.
Ctrl+"+ "+ "sets the selection to superscript.
Ctrl+"* "shows/hides all non-printing characters.
Ctrl+Tab inserts a tab stop in a cell.
Ctrl+Enter inserts a page break at the insertion point.
Ctrl+UP moves the insertion point up one paragraph.
Ctrl+Down moves the insertion point down one paragraph.
Ctrl+Home moves the insertion point to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl+End moves the insertion point to the end of the document.
Alt+/ Quickly select the entire table.
Ctrl+F2 print preview
Ctrl+F 10 maximizes the active window.
Ctrl+Shift+P defines the font size.
Ctrl+Shift+F defines the font style.
Ctrl+Shift+L adds bullets to the line where the cursor is located.
Ctrl+Alt+T? sign
Ctrl+Alt+R copyright symbol?
Ctrl+Alt+E euro symbol?
F 1 Word help
Shift+f 1 Help information about commands, screen areas, or text properties.
5.2. Mouse shortcut keys
Double-click one or more words to select the English word or the Chinese character.
Hold down the Ctrl key and click a sentence to select a sentence.
Click the mouse three times in the paragraph and choose a sentence.
Click the mouse in the selection bar to select a row.
Double-click the mouse in the selection bar to select a paragraph.
Select the entire document by clicking three times in the selection bar.
Hold down the Alt key and drag the mouse to select a rectangular text block.
Hold down the Ctrl key and drag the selection with the mouse to copy the selection.
Hold down the Shift key and click the mouse to select all the text between the insertion point and the mouse.
Drag the mouse over the character and select the mouse to sweep the text.
Drag the selection with the mouse to move the selection.
Click on the horizontal ruler to add a tab stop.
Double-click the mouse page setup on the horizontal or vertical ruler.
5.3. Drawing shortcuts
Press Alt while drawing to temporarily switch the Grid Alignment function.
Hold down the Shift key while drawing an ellipse and draw a straight line at a vertical, horizontal, 30-degree, 45-degree or 60-degree angle.
When drawing an ellipse, hold down the Ctrl+Shift key at the same time and draw a circle with a specific point as the center.
Hold down the Shift key when drawing a rectangle to draw a square.
Hold down the Shift key to draw a circle when drawing an ellipse.