After the exam begins, the teacher will distribute the test papers to each student in order, and remind the candidates to check whether the information on the test papers and the cover is wrong. After the information is confirmed, the students open the envelope and check the quantity and content of the test paper. If you have any questions, please raise your hand immediately. After the exam, the examinee put the test paper into an envelope and sealed it, and then the invigilator took it back in order.
Extended data
Test paper distribution process
(1) when the examination room is assigned, students who apply for the same examination center, the same college and the same major are given priority in the same examination room. In other words, you may meet your future alumni and competitors in the examination room. )
The invigilator has an orderly list of all candidates in the examination room. After entering the examination room, I will open the big file cover, take out the envelopes containing different test papers one by one, and arrange them according to the list of candidates. Note: There may be different invigilators in each class.
After the exam begins, the teacher will distribute the test papers to each student in order, and at the same time ask the students to check whether the information posted on the envelope of the test paper is my own.