"Moon Girl Nozaki Jun" is a four-grid comic series serialized by Chunquan on August 25th, 20 1 1 year on the comic website "Angang Online". Comics are serialized twice a month (the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month).
The traditional version is published by Qingwen Publishing House, the simplified version is published by World Book Publishing Company, and the electronic version is published by Netease Comics and Bi Li Bi Li Comics.
Sakura Chiyo, a high school girl, finally got up the courage to confess to Nozaki Umetarou in the same grade, but all she got was Nozaki's autograph and "Are you coming to my house?" Invitation letter. Although Shiori Sakura was puzzled by the unexpected development, she came to Nozaki's house with great expectation. Unexpectedly, what was waiting for her was a comic manuscript, and she unconsciously followed Nozaki's instructions to start her black homework. At this time, Shiori Sakura discovered that Nozaki was a famous girl cartoonist, Noko Ye Meng.