Recently, Dany revealed in the program that many years ago, a friend needed to borrow money because of financial problems, hoping to sign as a witness. As Dani was not in Beijing at that time, his friend sent him a blank piece of paper to sign, and Dani signed it carelessly. Dani later realized that he had confused the identity of the witness and the guarantor, so the act of signing a blank sheet of paper finally forced him to repay all the debts of his friends with all his savings. Dani was also called "legal blindness" by the judge during the trial.
Although the friend was quickly sued and won the case after the case was closed, the friend declared bankruptcy, and finally he still assumed all the debts.
The Enlightenment from Dani's Deception:
1. First of all, don't be a guarantor of others easily. Friends should help and support each other, but the role of guarantor is often in danger. When you become a guarantor of others, you need to be clearly aware that you are taking possible risks and responsibilities.
Secondly, don't sign others' names, let alone on white paper. This seemingly simple truth is often ignored by people. Signature represents legal responsibility and obligation. You can't blindly help others and ignore your own interests and safety.
Finally, don't carry things for others. Bringing things may seem trivial, but it may cause a series of problems. You can't trust others too much, and you can't easily get involved in other people's affairs. Keeping a moderate distance and vigilance is an important means to protect yourself.