The Clean Clothing Movement is an alliance of non-governmental organizations and trade unions, whose purpose is to improve the working conditions in the textile industry. Prior to this, 1200 people signed a request for Versace to ban the use of related technologies. Versace finally promised to support the clean clothing movement.
The Clean Clothing Campaign welcomes this. Under the pressure of 1200 defenders, Versace finally decided to completely ban the "jeans killer". After inspecting its suppliers, Versace announced that they were forbidden to use sandblasting technology. "
The so-called sandblasting technology is to spray sand on jeans with high pressure to make them look worn out. According to the Clean Clothing Campaign (CCC), this technology has caused "worker deaths" in Turkey and Bangladesh. Because the dust inhaled during sandblasting can cause workers to suffer from silicosis, which is a fatal lung infection.
For Versace, it is said that this technology has never been used, but NGOs dare not believe it all.
Deborah Lucchetti, coordinator of Italian Clean Clothing Campaign (CCC), told AFP, "Versace said in the first statement of 20 18 1 1 that Italian companies may use sandblasting technology, which reminds us that Versace may also adopt this technology. There are a large number of underground factories in Italy, so it is very likely that safety conditions are not followed when using sandblasting technology. "
For Versace to make this decision and cooperate with Gucci, H&; M and C & ampA also promised to ban sandblasting technology, which was welcomed by the Clean Clothing Campaign (CCC). But Deborah Lucchetti also pointed out that Dolce &; Gabbana, Armani and Robert? Cavoli and other famous fashion companies "refused to contact us".