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On 2010 May 19, Qzone was renamed as "Chat", adding functions such as adding pictures, sharing videos and websites, and chatting with friends.
QQ personal profile has a column of personalized signature, you can set your own unique personalized signature according to your hobbies and mood. In the new version, QQ users can edit directly on the right side of the avatar and under the nickname in the QQ panel without entering personal data for editing.
With the rapid growth of the number of users, in order to better meet the personalized needs and promote the further improvement of performance and speed, Tencent has completed a comprehensive architecture optimization, opened the browser mode, and launched more personalized functions with visual impact, such as welcome animation and personalized navigation. The new building has lived up to people's expectations. Qzone has been further improved in speed and performance, and can be better supported. With the introduction of various new functions, the robustness and scalability of the platform have been greatly improved.