How to make a good-looking signature is as follows:
Improve your handwritten signature.
1. First consider the size of the signature. It is best for the signature to be the same size as the surrounding text. If the signature is too large, it may mean that you are trying to exaggerate your strong self-esteem to others (when in fact you are not that confident). If your signature is much smaller than the surrounding text, it means you have low self-esteem and may be somewhat defensive.
2. Decide whether to write the full name or the initials. Writing only abbreviations is more commercial and routine. Writing your full name conveys a relaxed, casual atmosphere and indicates that you prefer to be called by your first name.
3. The signature should be written clearly and understandably. Writing vaguely may indicate that you care about yourself very much, which may make people think you are arrogant. Writing clearly and concisely shows that you have an open and straightforward attitude, indicating that you like to be yourself down-to-earth.
4. Also consider the location of the signature. If you are signing a business document, the location of the signature does not matter. However, if you are signing the letter, the location may contain some important information. Putting your signature on the right side of the document means that you are practical and forward-looking. Sign it in the middle of the document to indicate that you want to get the other person's attention. If you sign on the left, it may mean that you are a withdrawn person who prefers to look back on the past.
5. The inclination must be grasped well. A signature tilted to the right indicates an outgoing personality, while a signature tilted to the left may mean you are shy. If your signature is placed slightly higher than the rest of the text, it may suggest that you are trying too hard to project a positive, powerful attitude to the outside world and are being too ostentatious. If the signature position is slightly lower, it may represent pessimism or lack of energy.