We will have 2 samples sending to US. One is 8 pcs saw sets and another one is 10 pcs clamp sets.
We will have 2 samples sending to US.
One is an 8-piece set, and the other is a 10-piece set.
The 8 pcs saw sets is now in the office.
The 8 pcs saw sets are now in the office.
- David has already packed it but we have to attach label tag into the sample with a cable tie.
David (name) has already packed it but we have to attach label tag into the sample with a cable tie. Label and bundle.
-Please have the sample unpacked and the label tag luminated / protected with plastic cover to avoid damage.
Please have the sample unpacked and the label tag luminated / protected with plastic cover to avoid damage. to prevent damage.
-Please be reminded the label tag contains sensitive information and please the information only with you.
Remind again that the label contains sensitive information; this information can only be known to you. .
-Please repack it with extra care with bubble wrapping paper, state clearly to courier that it is fragile and cannot be pressed, so that it would arrive US customer office without. If possible, please pack with wooden box -
10 pcs clamp set sample should be arriving Gainlink by 15.00. Please contact sophie for the actual time delivery.
Please repack very carefully in bubble wrap and contact the postal company Make it clear that the item is fragile and cannot be squeezed
so the item will be cleared by U.S. Customs... (words are missing from the original text here)
If possible, Packed in wooden boxes.
The 10-piece set reaches Gaillink for 15.00 (yuan).
Please let Sophie know the exact delivery time.
- We would need to stick 2 labels and one label sleeve to the product.
We would need to stick 2 labels and one label sleeve to the product.
-One big label "workforce" stuck on the front molded case.
A big label "workforce" stuck on the front of the model.
-Many small workforce labels, stuck on the product. ( Please have a check on the label quality, if this is no good. Please do not paste it on the product. If it is marginal case, you may take a picture and send it over to my email account. I would advise you on this. )
Many small workplace labels are affixed to the products.
(Please check the quality of the label, if not, please do not put it on the product.
If it is barely qualified, you can take a photo and send it to my email Account number,
I will give you advice)
-The label stickers are printed by a printing house. It would be delivered to us by 15.00 also. Please ask Sophie to check for. the delivery.
The label is printed at the printing house and it must also be delivered to the United States for 15.00 (price).
Please tell Sophie to check the delivery status.
- please also tie a label tag luminated / protect with plastic cover to avoid damage. Damage resistant.
- Please pack it with extra care with bubble wrapping paper, state clearly to courier that it is fragile and cannot be pressed, so that it would arrive US customer office without. If possible, please pack with wooden box .
Please repack it very carefully in bubble wrap, and make it clear to the mailing company that the item is fragile and cannot be squeezed;
This item will be cleared at U.S. Customs... ... (Words are missing from the original text here)
If possible, pack in wooden boxes.
We have to arrive US canada office before monday office hour. Please let me know once all the samples has arrived the office, Sophie.
We have to arrive US canada office before monday office hour. Canada Office.
Please let me know once all samples have been received, Sophie.