Android.policy.jar: jar package required for screen locking interface, refer to android.test.runner.jar, source directory: framework/base/policy.
Android.test.runner.jar: jar package required for testing applications, which refers to core.jar, core-junit.ajr and framework.jar The source code directory is: framework/base/test-runner.
Bmgr.jar: java library needed to back up and restore all packages of Android devices under ADB shell command. However, this android service is disabled by default, and the application to be backed up must implement BackupAgent, and add the android:backupAgent attribute source directory: framework/base/cmds/bmgr in the application tag of AndroidManifest.xml
Bouncecastle.jar: the keystore of Java, which is said to be used for apk signature on the Internet, and .android.future.usb.accessory.jar: the upper Java library for managing USB, which will be called by the hardware layer when the system is compiled. Source directory: frameworks/base/libs/usb
com . Android . location . provider . jar _ extras.jar: NFC external library. Android/nfc/ will call in the package. Source directory: framework/foundation /nfc-extras
Core-junit.jar :junit core library, which is called when running * test.apk
Jar: I don't know. It's on the company phone.
Core test *. Jar: A series of test jar packages under the framework can be deleted without testing.
Core.jar: the core library, which is loaded first when the desktop is started. Source directory:
Ext.jar: an external third-party extension package for Android. The source code mainly includes external/NIST-SIP (SIP third-party library in Java), external/Apache-HTTP (Apache third-party library in Java) and external/tagsoup (HTML parser conforming to SAX standard). In fact, this jar package can add external extension jar package, just add src directory to ext-dir in framework/base/
Framework-res.apk: Android system resource library.
Frame. Jar: the core code in the sdk of Android.
Ime.jar: jar package required by IME command, which is used to view the list of current mobile phone input methods and set input methods. Source directory: framework/base/cmds/ime
Input. Jar: jar package required for input command, which is used to simulate key input. Source directory: framework/baes/cmds/input.
Javax.obex.jar: Java Bluetooth API for object exchange protocol. Source directory: framework/base/obex
Monkey.jar: the jar package needed to execute the Monkey command. Source directory: framework/base/cmds/monkey
Pm.jar: jar package required to execute the Pm command. For more information about pm, please refer to adb shell pm, source code directory: framework/base/cmds/pm.
Services.jar: the jar package compiled by the mobile phone frame layer server. Together with, when the mobile phone is started, all services are added to the ServiceManager in a closed-loop management mode through the SystemServer. Source Directory: Framework/Foundation/Service
SQLite-jdbc.jar: Java database connectivity jar package of SQLite.
Svc.jar: jar package required by SVC command, which can be used to manage wifi, power supply and data. Source directory: framework/base/cmds/svc.