Duel mode: the first season begins now! Thanks to everyone who participated in the first experience of duel mode. Now all players can enter the duel mode under the "Other modes" menu in the game, and they can choose two modes (using the independent matching pool)-leisure mode and hero mode!
Leisure mode can participate for free, which is an ideal starting point for exploring the mode and trying to experience. Hero mode is similar to competitive mode. Your record determines the rewards you get, including gold coins, arcane dust, cards, gold cards and the latest expansion. The hero duel mode costs 150 gold coins or a hotel pass (12 rune stone). The hotel pass replaces the entrance ticket of competitive mode, which allows you to enter competitive mode or hero-to-hero mode. If you still have tickets for competitive mode, you can use them to join the hero duel mode now!
With the opening of the first season, each profession can choose between 2 heroic skills and 3 signature treasures! When your deck reaches the following standards, you can unlock brand-new heroic skills and treasures.
-New Hero Skills (all classes)-Have 20 unrepeatable epic cards of "Academy of Mind".
-Signature Treasure # 1 (all classes)-Have 10 unrepeatable epic cards of "Crazy Dark Moon Circus".
-Treasure #2 Signature Edition (all classes)-Own 100 non-repetitive "Crazy Dark Moon Circus" cards.
Speaking of the new expansion, "Crazy Dark Moon Circus" joined the available card pool today. You can use the cards to build the initial deck!
Card families currently available for dual mode:
Crazy dark moon circus
-Psychic College
Karazan night
-The whispers of the ancient gods
The curse of Naxxramas
Confrontation mode: The theme of the first season is magic confrontation, and all the familiar professors and stars in the "Psychic Academy" will join this mode, each representing a profession and a style! Duel mode: At the end of the first season, we will welcome new themes and new heroes, and some treasures will be eliminated by rotation. As the saying goes, the old don't go, the new don't come. Check out the heroic skills and (initial) signature treasures we added in the 19.0 patch:
Demon Hunter
Buddhist monk