Track list:
AKB48 crew of Dahe
Beginners-Team A
Uza-k team
The wind is blowing (the wind is blowing)-team b
From the beginning of flight (フライングゲット)-AKB48)-AKB48 members (except part-time members)
"like it! I love it! Small leap! 》(スキ! スキ! スキップ! ) -HKT48 selection
Puppet Army (ピノキォ Army) -SKE48 Selected Works
"ha! "-NMB48 selection
Girl (girl)-all the actors
Pioneer "-Gao Qiaonan, Xiao Zhiyang, Sakano, Xiao Tian.
"become a rolling stone" (the stones of Oshima, Gong Ze, Yuan Qiu, Mei Tiancai and Kobayashi)-students+4 ~ 7.
The first day-born in Zhedao, Cedar, Pianshan, Tanabe and Tada periods of +9 ~ 10.
You are me (Jun's servant)-Sashihara Reno
A piece of sugar (キャンディー)-Shimazaki, Shigen Matsui, Tadao
Blue Rose-Entering the Mountain, Yamamoto, Chinese and Western Wisdom, Wakatabe
Cardiovirus (Yang, Miyawaki,
Don't call me an idol (Ma, Tada, Qiu Ji, Chao Chang.
Birds-Gao Qiaonan, Mount Hengshan and Dongjing
Jiao Jiao Girl (ツンデレ! )-plate leaf, two fish, village
ェンドロール)-Oshima Yuji, Gong Ze, Suda, and Watanabe.
Tears of Despair (てもでもの))-Cypress and Matsuoka
Joan of Arc in the Mirror (in the Mirror? Rong, Matsui Ishigen, Takashi Murakami, Okada Kan, Gu
Plastic lips (プラスティックの lips)-Oda
Are you watching the sunset? "(See you at sunset?" )-Gao Qiaonan, Guyang, Banye, Xintian
My sun (servant sun) -AKB48 full member, SKE48 full member, NMB48 full member, HKT48 optional member.
Palm language -AKB48 full member, SKE48 full member, NMB48 full member, HKT48 optional member.
"Party Begins"-AKB48 Graduate Student
Let's take the postgraduate entrance examination (レッツゴー postgraduate entrance examination) -AKB48 postgraduate entrance examination
Please ask all the staff of Warren Pavilion (ぃヴ?レンティヌ)-HKT 48.
Butterfly of First Love (First Love バタフラィ)-HKT 48 all staff
"HKT 48"-HKT 48 employees
Our Discovery (Servant らのユリィカ)-NMB 48 Selected Members
Best by the sea (ナギィチ of NMB 48)-Selected member
Beautiful lightning (beautiful wife) selected member of SKE48.
Ok, Dokey (ォキドキ)-SKE48 Select Members
"Forever pressure" (forever プレッシャー)-AKB48 full member.
"Maybe it's an excuse"-A full member of ——AKB48
Sakura 10 (10)-AKB48 full member.
Because I like you (Jun のことがきだから)-graduate student of AKB48.
Ponytails and hair bands (ポニーテールとシュ)-16 Selected members [note 1]
Midsummer sounds good! "(true summer のSounds good! )-16 select members
Every day, hair band (every day? カチューシャ)- 16 Selected members
"Loud Diamond" (Loud ダィヤモンド)- 16 Elected members and full members of AKB48.
Check mode (ギンガムチェック)- 16 Select members and full members of AKB48.
"Cloud at the tail" (ひこぅき cloud)-all employees
Goodbye (meeting)-all staff
Unlimited replay (ヘビーローテーション)-All employees
Farewell to freestyle (さよならクロール)-All staff
The conjecture of orange jam (presumed マーマレード)-Future girl
This time, you must be ecstatic (this time)-the next cheek
"Thinking about the definition of love" (love means "test")-Undergirls
Fortune cookie in love (するフォーチュンクッキー)-Selecting member (except genuine).
Selected Melon Juice (メロンジュース)-HKT48
The first rabbit (フ?ーストラビット)-All members
AKB section (AKBフェスティバル)-All employees
Reprinted from Wikipedia