Matters and details to pay attention to in English resumes
English resumes are equally important for us job seekers. There are some things that we need to pay attention to when making resumes that we must clearly understand. of. The following are the matters and details that I have collected and compiled for English resumes. Welcome to read them for your reference and reference!
Some matters that need to be paid attention to in English resumes:
1. Height and weight, political affiliation, marital status, date of birth, and place of residence do not need to be placed on the resume. Unless the employer specifically requires it, there is no need to post photos.
2. Don’t write large sections of “self-evaluation” on your resume. Various European and American universities have resume templates online, so just apply them directly. Tabular resumes are also relatively rare in European and American countries.
3. Please write down the full names of the awards and certificates you received in China, and add your ranking.
If you just write "CET-6, Score: 600", the employer will not know what "CET" is. Write "College English Test - Level 6, Score: 600". The employer does not know whether a score of 600 is considered high or low, and whether Level 6 is the highest level. A better way is to write down your ranking. In the same way, many times the interviewer of Model Student or XX Cup Chemistry Competition cannot figure out the level of gold content, but if you add the ranking, it can fully show that you are great. The interviewer does not need to know this. Model Student? What exactly is it.
Of course, if the award or certificate is relatively relevant to the position you are applying for or the major you are applying for, or if your resume is relatively empty, you can explain the award or certificate in one sentence.
4. To avoid ambiguity, it is recommended to write the date in the format of January 5, 2016 or 5 January, 2016. If it is all numbers, foreigners will not understand 16/01/05. In some countries, 01/05/16 represents January 5th, and in some countries, it represents May 1st.
5. Please use English half-width format for all punctuation marks. Remember to leave a space after the comma. Periods are generally not used in resumes.
6. For those who are still in school or have just worked for a few years, it is best to have a resume of only one page.
7. It is best to save the file name as Zhang_CV.pdf or Zhang_Resume.docx, starting with the last name and without spaces.
8. Please change the name in your email address to your pinyin name. If the recipient is a foreigner, Chinese characters, non-mainstream characters, and name gaps can easily cause your email to be ignored.
9. Please write at least a few sentences in the email containing your resume. Do not directly say "Hello, this is my resume", or write nothing at all.
10. Names should be consistent. If you use an English name, please use your English name in every step of the application (recommendation letters, email signatures, and interviews). In order to keep the name at the top of the resume consistent with the ID, you can write Xiaoming "Sam" Zhang or Xiaoming (Sam) Zhang. In other places, Sam Zhang will be used.
The content of the English resume is the same as the Chinese resume. You should use verb phrases to write about what you have done specifically and what substantial contributions you have made to the company or student groups. Try to Maybe list some data. All verbs are in the past tense, with the first letter of each line capitalized.
The above suggestions are only applicable to environments where English is really needed for work and school.
If a Chinese employer asks you for an English resume to see your English proficiency, it would be more appropriate to directly translate the Chinese resume word for word.
Some details to pay attention to in your English resume:
Use your school email (or work email, which can make you look more professional. Avoid using, for example, Hotmail, Yahoo, QQ , Gmail, etc., unless there is no better alternative.
Do not include your age or birthday.
Try to use active voice verbs to describe your work Experience. For example, "organized", "researched", "designed",
"implemented". For more commonly used verbs, please see this list (list). Pay attention to the correct tense, if it is describing the current position Use the present tense, and the past tense.
If you have past work experience related to the position you are applying for, focus on putting it before your education information. The employer will know what you can do You are more interested in what you have done, rather than what you have studied. The company will always train you after you join the job so that you can master the skills required for the job (Annotation: Emphasis on experience and work ability, rather than your academic qualifications )
? A space must be added after the punctuation mark. Unlike Chinese, this is very important in English. It is directly related to whether your resume is easy to read.
? Absolutely not If there are any printing (or spelling) errors! You can ask your friends to help you check whether there are any printing errors line by line (Translation: Word’s own spelling check and online grammar check are also a good choice).
? It is best to keep your resume to one page. There are often hundreds or thousands of applicants, and the recruiting department will not have so much time to read more than one page. However, you do not need to follow this advice for academic resumes, such as PhD Graduate students, because the resume needs to list existing and published research.
? If you are in college or have graduated, do not include any pre-college information in your resume.
? Do not include your interests and hobbies.
? If you are still a student, you can go to the school’s career center and ask professionals to help you modify your resume.;