1. Improve production efficiency: Due to the rapid transmission of demand information of e-commerce, order data can be quickly and timely returned, enabling enterprises to arrange production according to orders more effectively, reducing the blindness of production, reducing the inventory of goods and reducing the inventory cost.
2. Reduce circulation costs: E-commerce transactions can reduce sales links, realize direct transactions between users and enterprises, reduce circulation costs, save travel expenses of salespeople, and avoid dividing profits among intermediate links, thus improving sales profit rate.
3. Accelerate the recovery of funds: Electronic payment under e-commerce mode can be completed in only a few seconds. With the approval of payment gateways and banks and the application of digital signatures, the payment for goods sold through e-commerce can be recovered relatively quickly, and the payment for goods is more guaranteed, thus saving settlement funds.
4. promote the change of enterprise organizational structure: e-commerce will promote the flat development of enterprise organizational structure. Under the mode of e-commerce, the information flow of enterprises increases, and the acceleration of the flow rate requires the corresponding decision-making and response of enterprises to accelerate.
5. improve the coordination of all links in the industrial chain: the deepening of industrial e-commerce has improved the coordination of all links in the industrial chain and is conducive to reshaping the industrial market.
6. change the management environment of enterprises: under the e-commerce mode, the economic model of enterprises is simpler and more direct. Under the traditional market economy model, the production and consumption of enterprises are separated, and many production activities of enterprises, such as purchasing inventory, production research and development, are affected.