Jacob, Jacob and Hebrew replaced them; Followers.
James, James Latin, please sit down.
Jared, a Hebrew family in jared, was born by descent.
Jason, Jason, Greece, a person who heals wounds; A knowledgeable person.
Jay, Jay, France, The Beauty of Bluebird.
Jeff, Jeff, France, holy peace.
Jeffrey Jeffrey France, holy peace.
Jeremy Jeremy, the sublimity of the Hebrew God.
Jerome, Jerome Latin, holy name.
Jerry, Jerry, Latin, holy name.
Jesse, Jesse, a gift from the Hebrew God; God is peaceful.
Jim, Jim and Latin, take your positions.
Joe, Joe, from the Hebrew God.
John, John, the merciful grace of the Hebrew God.
Jonas, Jonas Hebrew dove of peace.
Jonathan, Jonathan was born of the Hebrew God.
Joseph, Joseph, the Hebrew God will give it again.
Joshua, Joe Hugh was saved by the Hebrew God.
Joyce, Joyce Latin, happy.
Julian, Julian Greece, with soft hair, also represents young people.
Julius of Greece, Julius, with soft and hairy hair.
Justin, Justin Latin, really.
Choose for yourself.