Why can't I add an invisible digital signature in office2007?
The following sources and office help documents: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Create professional documents. The editing and reviewing tools provided by Office Word 2007 make it easier than ever to create beautiful documents. Reduce formatting time and spend more energy on writing result-oriented new interfaces. When you need it, you can clearly and methodically provide you with various tools: choose from a library that integrates predefined styles, table formats, list formats, graphic effects, etc. , which not only saves time, but also makes full use of the powerful Word function. Word dispelled doubts about applying formatting to documents. Before committing changes, select from the format library to visually preview the formats in the document in real time. With just a few clicks of the mouse, you can add elements in a preset format. Office Word 2007 introduces a building block for you to add content to a document in a preset format: when dealing with a document with a specific template type (such as a report), you can choose from a library that collects content in a preset format (such as a cover, important references, headers and footers) to make the document look more beautiful. If you want to customize the content in a preset format, or your organization often uses the same content (such as legal disclaimers or customer contact information), you can select from the library and click the mouse to create your own building blocks. Communicate more effectively with graphics with great visual impact. New charting and drawing features include three-dimensional shapes, transparency, shadows and other effects. Apply a new look to the document immediately When your company updates the image, you can immediately imitate it in the document. By using quick styles and document themes, you can quickly change the appearance of text, tables and graphics throughout the document to match the preferred styles and color schemes. Easily avoid spelling mistakes The following are some new features of spelling checker: Spelling checker is more consistent in various 2007 Microsoft Office System programs. Examples of this change include: Now, several spelling options are global. If you change one of these options in one Office program, it will also be changed in all other Office programs. For more information, see Changing the way the spelling and grammar checker works. In addition to * * * sharing the same custom dictionaries, all programs can use the same dialog box to manage these dictionaries. For more information, see Add words to the spelling checker using a custom dictionary. The spelling check of Microsoft Office System in 2007 included a newer version of the French dictionary. In Microsoft Office 2003, it is an add-in and needs to be installed separately. For more information, see Changing the way the spelling and grammar checker works. When a language is used for the first time, an exclusion dictionary is automatically created for that language. With the exclusion dictionary, you can have the spelling checker mark words to avoid. They can make it easy for you to avoid annoying words or words that don't conform to the style guide. For more information, see Specify the preferred spelling of words using exclusion dictionaries. Spelling check can find and mark some contextual spelling mistakes. Have you ever made a typo like the following? I will see you and them. In Office Word 2007, you can enable the "Use contextual spelling check" option to get help on finding and fixing such errors. You can use this option when checking the spelling of English, German or Spanish documents. For more information, see Choose how to check spelling and grammar. You can disable spelling and grammar checking for one document or all documents you create. Go back to the top and enjoy the document confidently * * * When you send a draft document to colleagues for comments, Office Word 2007 can help you effectively collect and manage their revisions and comments. When you are ready to publish a document, Office Word 2007 can help ensure that there are no unprocessed revisions and comments in the published document. By quickly comparing two versions of a document, Office Word 2007, you can easily find out the changes made to the document. When comparing and merging documents, you can view two versions of the document, and the deleted, inserted and moved text will be clearly marked in the third version of the document. Find and delete hidden metadata and personal information in documents. Before sharing a document with other users, you can use the Document Inspector to examine the document for hidden metadata, personal information, or content that may be stored in the document. The document inspector can find and delete the following information: comments, versions, revisions, ink comments, document properties, document management server information, hidden text, custom XML data, and information in headers and footers. The Document Inspector helps ensure that the documents you share with other users * * * do not contain any hidden personal information or any hidden content that your organization may not want to distribute. In addition, organizations can customize the document inspector to add checks for other types of hidden content. By adding a digital signature to a document, adding a digital signature or signature line to the document helps to ensure the authentication, integrity and origin of the document. In Office Word 2007, you can add an invisible digital signature to a document, or insert a Microsoft Office signature line to capture a visible representation of the signature and digital signature. The ability to capture digital signatures by using signature lines in Office documents enables organizations to use paperless signing processes for documents such as contracts or other agreements. Unlike paper signatures, digital signatures can provide accurate signature records and allow signature verification in the future. Converting Word documents to PDF or XPSOffice Word 2007 supports exporting files to the following formats: Portable Document Format (PDF) PDF is an electronic file format with a fixed format, which can preserve the document format and allow file sharing. When viewing or printing a file in PDF format on the Internet, the file can keep the same format as the original text, and the data in the file cannot be easily changed. PDF format is also useful for documents copied by professional printing methods. XML paper specification (XPS) XPS is an electronic file format, which can preserve the document format and allow file sharing. XPS format can ensure that when viewing or printing files in XPS format on the Internet, the file can keep the same format as the original text, and the data in the file cannot be easily changed. For more information, please refer to the following articles: Save files in PDF format and save files in XPS format to detect documents containing embedded macros immediately. Office Word 2007 uses a separate file format (. Docm), so that you can immediately know whether a file can run any embedded macro. Prevent Changing the Final Version of a Document Before sharing the final version of a document with other users * * *, you can use the Mark as Final command to set the document as read-only and tell other users that you * * * like the final version of the document. When a document is marked as the final version, typing, editing commands and proofreading marks are disabled to prevent users who view the document from inadvertently changing the document. The Mark as Final command is not a security feature. Anyone can edit a document marked as final by turning off Mark as Final. Now, when computers and files are connected with each other, it is even more necessary to store documents in files with small capacity, stability and reliability and supporting multiple platforms. In order to meet this demand, Microsoft Office system has made a new breakthrough in developing XML support. The new file format based on XML makes the Office Word 2007 file smaller and more reliable, and can be deeply integrated with information systems and external data sources. Reduce the file size and enhance the ability to recover from corruption. The new Word XML format is a compressed and segmented file format, which can greatly reduce the file size and help ensure that damaged files can be easily recovered. Connecting documents and business information in business requires you to create documents to communicate important business data. By automating this communication process, you can save time and reduce the risk of mistakes. Using new document controls and data binding to connect to the back-end system, you can create dynamic intelligent documents that can update themselves. Managing document properties in the document information panel Using the document information panel, you can easily view and edit document properties when using a Word document. In Word, the document information panel is displayed at the top of the document. You can use the document information panel to view and edit the properties of standard Microsoft Office documents and files that have been saved to the document management server. If you use the document information panel to edit the document properties of a server document, the updated properties will be saved directly to the server. For example, you may have a server that tracks the editing status of documents. After the document is completed, you can open the document information panel and change the editing status of the document from draft to final. When you save the document back to the server, the change of editing status will be updated on the server. If you store a document template in a library on a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 server, the library may contain custom properties that store template information. For example, your organization may require you to fill in category attributes to classify documents in the library. Using the document information panel, you can edit these properties directly in the Word environment. Back to the top to recover from computer problems 2007 Microsoft Office System provides an improved tool for recovering work when problems occur in Office Word 2007. Office Diagnostics Microsoft Office Diagnostics contains a series of diagnostic tests that can help you find out why your computer crashed. These diagnostic tests can directly solve some problems and determine the methods to solve other problems. Microsoft Office diagnostics replaced the following Microsoft Office 2003 features: detection and repair, and Microsoft Office application recovery. For more information, see Diagnosing and Repairing Crashed Office Programs Using Office Diagnostic Tools. Program recovery improves the functions of Office Word 2007, which helps to avoid losing work results when the program is abnormally closed. Whenever possible, Word will try its best to restore some aspects of the program state after restarting. For example, if you are working on several files at the same time. Each file is opened in a different window, and specific data can be seen in each window. Word crashed at this time. When you restart Word, it will open these files and restore the window to the state before Word crashed. For more information, see Avoid losing your work when the Office program closes abnormally.