Legal analysis: The 2020 US presidential election is the 59th presidential election in the United States.
Legal basis: Article 2, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States of America. Executive power is vested in the President of the United States of America. The term of the President is four years. The President and the Vice President with the same term shall be elected according to the following procedures: Each state shall designate a number of electors in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the state assembly of that state. Their number shall be equal to the number of senators of that state in Congress. and Representatives; but neither Senators nor Representatives, nor any person holding any office of responsibility and emolument in the government of the United States, shall be appointed electors. Each elector shall assemble in his own state, and each elector shall vote for two persons, at least one of whom shall be a non-resident of that state. The electors shall draw up a list of all those elected, noting the number of votes each received; they shall certify it with their signatures, and deliver the sealed list to the President of the Senate at the seat of the Government of the United States. The President of the Senate shall open all submissions before all members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, and the votes shall then be counted. The person who receives the most votes shall be elected as the President if the number of votes obtained exceeds half of all electors; if more than one person obtains more than half of the votes at the same time, and once they obtain an equal number of votes, the House of Representatives shall immediately vote to elect one of them as President; if no one obtains more than half of the votes, the House of Representatives shall immediately vote to elect one of them as the President; If more than half of the votes are obtained, the House of Representatives shall elect the President by the same method from among the top five vote-getters. However, when the president is elected in accordance with this law, the state shall be the unit, and the representative of each state shall have one vote; if two-thirds of the states in the country have one or more representatives present, it shall constitute a quorum for the election of the president; The person who is elected president must obtain a majority of the votes cast in all states. At each such election, the person who receives the greatest number of electors' votes after the election of the President shall be the Vice President. However, if two or more persons receive equal votes, the Senate shall vote to select one of them as Vice President. Congress gets to decide when each state elects electors and the day they vote; voting dates are the same nationwide. Only those who are citizens of the United States by birth, or who have been citizens of the United States at the time of the administration of this Constitution, may be elected President; no person who has not attained the age of thirty-five years, or has resided within the borders of the United States for fourteen years, shall be elected President. . In the event that the President is removed from office or is unable to perform his powers and duties due to death, resignation or incapacity, the powers of the President shall be exercised by the Vice President. The Congress may provide by law who shall act as President in the event that both the President and the Vice President are removed from office, or die, resign, or become incapacitated, and such person shall act accordingly until the President's ability is restored or a new President is elected. until. The President may receive stipends for such services for such time as may be fixed, and the amount thereof may not be increased or decreased during his term of office, nor shall he receive any other emoluments during such term from the Government of the United States or from the government of any State. Before he takes office, he shall take the following oath or oath:—I do solemnly swear (or swear) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.