Agentsvr.exe-agentsvr.exe is an ActiveX plug-in for multimedia programs. This is not a pure system program, but if terminated, it may lead to unknown problems.
Wuauclt.exe-Wuauclt.exe is a Windows automatic upgrade management program. This process continuously detects updates online. Deleting this process will prevent you from getting the latest update information.
Taskmgr. exe- This is the task manager you opened.
Conime. exe- input method
Rav mon. exe- Rising's antivirus process.
Ctfmon. exe- Input Language Bar
Realsched. exe- Yes, it should be related to real players.
Sound engineer. EXE- You can turn off the sound card settings.
Igfxpers.exe-Intel's user interface handler can be closed.
Hk cmd. exe- related to the graphics card, it should be closed.
Rfwsub.exe-Rising's firewall process
Rfw proxy. exe- Rising's firewall process
Rfw SRV. exe- Rising's firewall process
Rav mond. exe- Rising antivirus software process
Svchost. exe- A critical process that cannot be shut down.
Svchost. exe- A critical process that cannot be shut down.
Ccenter. exe- Rising Information Center is a component of Rising antivirus software.
Svchost. exe- A critical process that cannot be shut down.
Svchost. exe- A critical process that cannot be shut down.
Lsass. exe- a critical process that cannot be shut down.
Services. exe- critical process that cannot be shut down.
Winlogon. exe- A critical process that cannot be shut down.
Csrss. exe- critical process that cannot be shut down.
Wdfmgr.exe is a part of Microsoft Windows Media Player 10.
Smss. exe- A critical process that cannot be shut down.
MicroSoftImm.exe sogou input method
The function of Locator.exe locator. exe is to stably let remote programs call the local service of Windows system. This process maintains a database program. This program is very important for the normal operation of your system.
Spoolsv. exe- A critical process that cannot be shut down.
LEXPPS.EXE Lexmark printer * * * enjoys relevant formalities.
Rfw Main. exe- rising firewall main program
Explorer. exe- Desktop process, unable to shut down.
LEXBCES。 EXE-Lexmark related programs. This procedure is used to call the Lexmark network printing service.
Wuauclt. exe- A critical process that cannot be shut down.
Unable to close the system key process for.
System idle P...- critical process, can't be closed.
It is recommended to close all computer startup projects except those related to anti-virus and ctfmon.exe. If the database is not used, please close all non-Microsoft services except the anti-virus firewall.