I. HTML tags
Label:! Document type
Description: Specifies the document type definition (DTD) that the HTML document follows.
Label: a
Description: indicates the starting point or ending point of the hyperlink.
Label: abbreviation
Description: indicate the abbreviation.
Label: address
Description: Specific information, such as address, signature, author and author of this document.
Label: applet
Description: Place executable content on the page.
Labels: regions
Description: Defines the shape, coordinates and associated URL of the hyperlink area in the client image map.
Labels: attributes
Description: Represents the tag attribute or attribute of an HTML element in the form of an object.
Label: b
Description: Specifies that the text should be rendered in bold.
Labels: basics
Description: Specifies an explicit URL for resolving links and references to external sources such as images and style sheets.
Labels: basic fonts
Description: Sets the basic font value as the default font when rendering text.
Label: bdo
Description: Allows the author to disable the two-way rule for the selected text segment.
Label: bgsound
Description: Allow pages with background sound or create audio tracks.
Label: big
Description: Specifies that the contained text should be displayed in a font slightly larger than the current font.
Label: bulk quotation
Description: Sets a reference in the text.
Label: text
Description: Specifies the beginning and end of the document body.
Label: br
Note: Insert a line break.
Labels: buttons
Description: Specifies that the HTML contained in it will be rendered as a button.
Label: title
Description: Specifies a short description of the table.
Label: centered
Description: Center the following text and image.
Labels: references
Note: The introduction is in italics.
Label: client information
Description: Contains information about the Web browser.
Labels: clipboard data
Description: Provides access to predefined clipboard formats used in editing operations.
Label: code
Description: Specifies a code example.
Labels: columns
Description: Specifies the default properties of a column-based table.
Labels: column groups
Description: Specifies the default properties of a column or a group of columns in a table.
Labels: comments
Note: indicate invisible comments.
Labels: current styles
Description: Represents the object format and style specified in the global style sheet, embedded style and HTML tag properties.
Labels: custom
Description: Represents a user-defined element.
Label: data transmission
Description: Provides access to predefined clipboard formats for drag operations.
Label: dd
Description: Indicates the definition in the definition list. Definitions are usually indented in the definition list.
Labels: default values
Description: Programmatically sets the default properties of an element's behavior.
Label: del
Description: Indicates that the text has been deleted from the document.
Label: dfn
Description: Represents an example of a term definition.
Label: table of contents
Description: Generate a directory list.
Label: div
Description: Specifies the container used to render HTML.
Label: dl
Description: Causes a list to be defined.
Tags: documents
Description: Represents an HTML document in a given browser window.
Label: dt
Description: indicates the definition terms in the definition list.
Label: em
Description: Emphasize text, usually in italics.
Tags: embedding
Description: Allow embedding any document.
Tags: events
Description: indicates the event state, such as the element where the event occurred, keyboard state, mouse position and mouse button state.
Label: external
Description: Allows access to other object models provided by the host application of the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser component.
Labels: field sets
Description: Draw a box outside the text and other elements contained in the field set.
Labels: fonts
Description: Specifies the new font, size and color of the text contained in the presentation.
Labels: frames
Description: Specifies a frame in the FRAMESET element.
Labels: framesets
Description: Specifies the frameset used to organize multiple frames and nested framesets.
Label: from
Description: Specifies that the contained control will run in the form.
Label: head
Description: Provides an unordered collection of information about a document.
Label: history
Description: contains information about the URL visited by the user.
Label: hn
Description: Renders the text in the heading style.
Label: hr
Description: Draw a horizontal line.
Tag: html
Description: indicates that the document contains HTML elements. What's new when Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 is used! The DOCTYPE declaration specifies the standard compatibility mode, and this element will represent the canvas-that is, the entire surface to which the document content will be presented.
Label: Me
Note: The specified text should be rendered in italics (if available).
Label: iframe
Description: Create an embedded floating frame.
Labels: input
Description: Create various form input controls.
Label: Input Type = Button
Description: Creates a button control.
Label: Input Type = checkbox
Description: Creates a check box control.
Label: Input Type = File
Description: Create a file upload control with a text box and a browse button.
Label: Input Type = Hidden
Description: Transmits status information about client/server interaction.
Label: Input Type = Image
Description: Creates an image control, which, when clicked, will immediately submit the form.
Label: Input Type = Password
Description: Creates a single-line text input control similar to the INPUT type=text control, but it does not display the user's input.
Label: Input Type = Radio
Description: Creates a radio button control.
Label: Input Type = Reset
Description: Creates a button that, when clicked, resets the form control to its default values.
Label: Input Type = Submit
Description: Creates a button that will submit the form when clicked.
Label: Input Type = Text
Description: Creates a single-line text input control.
Label: ins
Description: Specifies the text to be inserted into the document.
Label: isindex
Description: Causes the browser to display a dialog box, prompting the user to enter a single line of text.
Label: kdb
Description: Presents text in a fixed-width font.
Label: label
Description: Specifies labels for other elements on the page.
Label: Legend
Description: Inserts a caption into a box drawn by a fieldSet object.
Label: Li
Description: Causes items in the list.
Labels: links
Description: Allows the connection between the current document and external documents.
Labels: lists
Description: Presents text in a fixed font.
Label: location
Description: Contains information about the current URL.
Label: map
Description: Contains the coordinate data of the client image mapping.
Labels: subtitles
Description: Create a scrolling text subtitle.
Labels: menus
Description: Create an unordered list of items.
Tag: meta
Description: conveys hidden information about the document to the server and the client.
Tags: namespaces
Description: Dynamically import the behavior of elements into a document.
Label: Navigator
Description: Contains information about the Web browser.
Label: nextID
Description: Creates a unique identifier that can be read by editing software.
Label: nobr
Description: Renders text that does not wrap.
Label: frameless
Description: HTML containing browsers that do not support frameset elements.
Label: noscript
Description: Specifies the HTML to be displayed in browsers that do not support scripts.
Labels: objects
Description: Inserts an object into an HTML page.
Label: ol
Description: Draws a numbered text list.
Label: optgroup
Description: Allows authors to logically group the options in the select element.
Labels: options
Description: produces an option in the select element.
Label: p
Description: cause a paragraph.
Labels: pages
Description: Represents the @page rule in the style sheet.
Labels: parameters
Remarks: Sets the initial value of the attribute of an applet, embed or object element.
Labels: pop-up
Description: a special top-level window, mainly used for temporary windows such as dialog boxes and message boxes that appear outside the main window of the application.
Label: front
Description: Presents text in a fixed-width font.
Label: q
Description: The text is quoted separately.
Label: rt
Description: Indicates the phonetic text of the phonetic element.
Label: Ruby
Description: Indicates a comment or pronunciation guide to be placed or embedded in a text string.
Labels: rules
Description: Represents a style in a cascading style sheet (CSS), which consists of a selector and one or more declarations.
Label: runtimestyle
Description: Represents the format and style of an object above the format and style specified by the global style sheet, embedded style and HTML tag attributes.
Label: s
Description: Renders text in strikethrough font.
Label: sample
Description: Specifies a code example.
Label: screen
Description: Contains information about customer screens and presentation functions.
Labels: scripts
Description: Specifies the script for the script to be interpreted by the script engine.
Labels: selecting
Description: Causes a list box or drop-down box.
Labels: selecting
Description: Indicates the currently active selected area, that is, highlighted text blocks and/or other elements in the document where users can perform certain operations.
Label: small
Description: Specifies that the contained text should be displayed in a font slightly smaller than the current font.
Label: span
Remarks: Specifies the embedded text container.
Label: strike
Description: Renders text in strikethrough font.
Label: strong
Description: Displays text in bold.
Labels: styles
Description: Represents the current settings of all possible embedded styles for a given element.
Tags: style sheets
Description: Represents a single style sheet in a document.
Label: sub
Description: Specifies that the included text should be displayed as a title, usually smaller than the current font.
Label: sup
Description: Specifies that the contained text should be displayed as standard text, usually smaller than the current font.
Labels: tables
Description: Specifies a table whose contents will be organized into rows and columns.
Label: tbody
Description: indicates the behavior table body.
Label: td
Description: Specifies the cells in the table.
Labels: text areas
Remarks: Specifies a multiline text input control.
Labels: text nodes
Description: Represents a text string as a node in the document hierarchy.
Labels: text ranges
Description: Represents the text in an HTML element.
Labels: text rectangles
Description: specifies a rectangle containing a line of text in an element or TextRange object.
Label: tfoot
Description: Indicates this line as a footer.
Label: th
Description: Specifies the title bar. The header column will be centered in the cell and displayed in bold.
Label: thead
Description: Represents a line as a header.
Label: title
Description: Contains the title of the document.
Label: tr
Description: Specifies a row in the table.
Label: tt
Description: Presents text in a fixed-width font.
Label: u
Description: Text is underlined.
Label: ul
Description: Draws a bulleted list of text.
Label: User Profile
Description: Provides a method that allows scripts to request read access to user configuration information and perform read operations.
Label: var
Remarks: Define programming variables. Usually presented in italics.
Label: wbr
Description: Inserts soft line breaks into nobr text.
Labels: windows
Description: Represents the window opened in the browser.
Tag: xml
Description: Defines XML data on an HTML page.
Label: xmp
Description: Take fixed-width font rendering as an example font.