The household register of the children of the second marriage is written for the second son. There is no difference between children born to a remarried wife and her first-married husband and children born to both first-marriages. If it is a boy, it is the eldest son. If she is a girl, she is the eldest daughter. If a remarried wife has children with her ex-husband. The household registration book is with you. Then your children will be called second sons and children. If your children follow your ex-husband, it has nothing to do with what your children are called.
Children of remarriages will write down the relationship between stepparents and stepchildren on their household registration. The transfer process is as follows:
1. Bring the household registration book and original ID card of the party concerned, a certificate of consent for the transfer of household registration issued by the collective from the place of residence, and a certificate of consent for the transfer of household registration issued by the collective and the head of the household of the place of household registration. ;
2. Bring the above information and certificates, go to the household registration section of the police station in the jurisdiction of the place where the household registration is moved to apply for a household registration, and fill in the relocation form for minor children;
3. Next Bring the migration certificate and the above information to the household registration section of the police station where the household registration is transferred to apply for settlement.
The registration procedures for remarriage after divorce are as follows:
1. Prepare materials: If one of the men and women remarries after divorce, in addition to preparing ID cards, household registers and other documents, , you also need to bring a divorce certificate or a divorce judgment effective from the court.
2. Application for registration: Both men and women who are registered for marriage are required to bring the above-mentioned certificates and materials to the marriage registration office of the district or county people's government department where one party has a permanent residence to apply for marriage registration. Both parties to the marriage registration must each fill in a "Declaration for Marriage Registration Application", sign or fingerprint the "Declarant" column in person in front of the marriage registrar, and read out the declaration.
3. Review the materials and question the parties: After accepting the marriage registration application of the parties, the marriage registration authority shall review the materials provided by the parties. While examining the materials provided by the parties, the marriage registration agency may inquire about the relevant circumstances of the parties.
4. Registration of marriage: For those who meet the conditions for marriage registration, the marriage registration agency shall register the marriage on the spot and issue a marriage certificate; for those who do not meet the conditions for marriage, the reasons shall be explained.
I hope the above content will be helpful to you. If you have any other questions, please consult a professional lawyer.
Legal basis: Article 1072 of the "People's Republic of China and Civil Code"
(1) If the stepchildren are minors, they must follow their father and mother Living with stepfather and stepmother, if the stepparents bear all or part of the child's living and education expenses, and the life is long-term and stable, then it can be determined that both parties have A nurturing relationship was formed.
(2) The stepparents and underage stepchildren live together, and the stepparents take care of the stepchildren in education and life. In this case, even if they have not When paying child support expenses, it should also be considered that the two parties have formed a child support relationship.
(3) When the children are minors when they remarry, the relationship between stepparents and stepchildren is formed. The legal relationship is equivalent to the relationship between parents and children. The relationship with the head of the household can be written as the relationship between stepparents and stepchildren.
(4) When the children are adults at the time of remarriage, the relationship between stepparents and stepchildren is mutually recognized and can be regarded as the relationship between parents and children, and the relationship with the head of household can be written as the relationship between stepparents and stepchildren.