It is so appropriate to evaluate Confucius' "knowing what he can't do". Because it is "impossible", it is not accepted. He just "does", so people can't understand him. Confucius fell into deep loneliness. What's more, it is also used to satirize Confucius. Confucius and Luz went out. On the way, Luz asked someone for directions. Knowing that it was Luz, the man said, "Is your teacher Confucius? He knows the way. " In fact, Confucius is the only one who is lonely, and there are many others. It has long been lamented that ancient sages were "lonely", while those uneducated "drinkers" were famous for a while. But this loneliness will not last forever, and history will also remove those lonely people. As early as the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty ousted hundreds of schools of thought and respected Confucianism alone. Today, Confucius is identified as the greatest educator in China; More than 72 Nobel Prize winners signed their names, claiming that only the "Confucius-Mencius Way" can save this crisis-ridden and contradictory world. Confucius was finally no longer lonely. His loneliness before his death, in turn, highlighted his extraordinary wisdom, long-term vision and profound thoughts, which won him the respect and admiration of the world. So, don't be biased and don't be afraid of loneliness. If others don't understand, let them speak and go their own way. Maybe this loneliness will bring you ups and downs and pain. Don't worry, it's only temporary. We should be full of confidence. As long as we firmly believe that we are right, we should be full of hope for the future. One day, people will find your value, and then you won't be lonely. And your loneliness before is not only a precious wealth, but also other beautiful touches in your life.