In 3DS MAX 20 10, you can easily adjust the bone structure by selecting the bone tool from the newly added role menu.
In 3DS MAX 20 10, the interface of polygon modeling is redesigned, and many functions of polygon modeling are added and improved. The main improvement is to increase the dialog box for setting tools such as extrusion, chamfering and contour, and add a quick cutting tool, which can extrude along spline curves and limit the expansion and contraction of the currently selected object, with the edge as the rotation axis.
After selecting an object in the scene, right-click it, and select "Convert from Transform Area to Editable Polygon" from the submenu of the pop-up shortcut menu, or select an object, right-click in "Modify Edit Stack" of the "Modify Edit" command panel, and select "Convert to Editable Polygon" from the pop-up shortcut menu.
Editable polygons are mainly modeled and edited at the following five sub-structure editing levels: nodes, edges, polygons and elements. The modeling method is similar to editable mesh objects, but editable mesh objects generally edit quadrilateral faces, and the secondary structural faces of polygonal objects can have any number of nodes.
You can make the following edits to editable polygon objects:
You can transform or copy the selected editable polygon object.
The options in the Modify Edit command panel can be used to modify the editing object or secondary structure selection set.
A secondary structure object selection set can be passed to a higher-level modification editor in the modification editing stack, and multiple modification editors can be specified for the secondary structure object selection set.
Use the control options in the Subdivision Surface rollout to edit the surface properties of the polygon.
Right-click an editable polygon object in the scene to access most editing commands, such as Squeeze, from the shortcut menu.
I hope it can help you solve the problem.