2. It is common for jailbreak devices to revert to the old version of iOS. Checkra 1n jailbreak team previously announced that their tools are now compatible with iOS 14 system, but in order to avoid jailbreak, Apple has added brand-new security measures, which makes jailbreak on relatively new devices such as iPhone 8 and iPhone X quite difficult.
3. In addition, restoring the iPhone or iPad to an earlier version of iOS is very useful for iOS/iPadOS users who have upgraded to the latest version of the system but have affected their experience;
4. However, with the blocking of the downgrade of iOS 14. 1, if you encounter any serious problems on iOS 14.2, you must wait until the later stage to update the system instead of downgrading to iOS 14. 1. At present, the only downgrading operation is to downgrade from the latest release of iOS 14.3 beta 1 to the iOS 14.2 system.