сенб 1 (it should be a proper noun, which is the abbreviation of сентябр September, right? сенб 1 September/day)
ума (I don't know what it means, but it should be сеннтябр 1 1000 as above.
Friday, I'm пятница.
бексен 10738+0 (proper noun, same as above)
I'm четверг, Thursday.
I'm a girl.
оценка evaluation
Signature of teacher подписьучителя's.
сыныпетекшс I (not pure Russian, there is no letter I in Russian, and I don't know what it means).
классныйруководител 10000; Grade director
ата-ананынколы (I don't know what it means, but коллл means one point.
подписьродителей' Signature of parents.
By the way, are you studying in Russia? I think I didn't study in pure Russia, but joined the United States in Russia, right? Kazakhstan? Republic of Bashkir * *?
Those who have never been abroad, who learn Russian by indigenous methods, try to translate it, hoping to help you. I'll ask the foreign teacher about the meaning of other words later. Pure hands, the first answer, suspected of cheating upstairs) hope to adopt!