Wang Yuanliang was a native of Qian Tang Dynasty. During the reign of Emperor Duzong, he used his good harp to enter and leave the palace. Yuan soldiers entered the city and wrote a poem: "The rain has just dried on the Qiantang River, and the wind is sore at Duanmen. Thousands of horses are neighing, and the police are stampeding, and the three palaces are weeping and wet the bells. The remaining children are sent to chase Xu Fu, and the evil spirits will finally be around. Destroy Helan. If marriage can bring prosperity to the country, Chanjuan should marry Huhan. "He also said: "At sunset in front of Xisai Mountain, it is raining outside the north gate. The people in the south are crying and the people in the north are laughing. "It was announced in the sixth chapter that the emperor was going to kill him. The wind blows and the court is burned to death. The courtiers finished the memorial and signed the imperial concubine's signature to thank Daoqing." He left Sangong in a short time and stayed in Yanjing. At that time, Wang Qinghui and Zhang Qiongying were both from the Forbidden City and were good at poetry. They often cried when they met each other. According to Wang Qinghui's two Kunyu poems about sending water to the moon on an autumn night and Shui Yun, which can be found in Song poetry chronicles, Shui Yun has a brother. Yuan Liangchang and Qinghui's poems say: "When I am deeply sad, I pour myself a glass of wine. I turn on the lamp and look at the sword with deep tear marks. There are few close friends on the golden platform, and the jasper tunes the good music high in the sky. The sound of autumn leaves in the lonely hall is a dream, and a cold moon in the window reminds me of my hometown. In front of the court Last night, the rain in the parasol trees was full of energy. "The emperor heard that he was good at playing the harp, so he summoned his attendants and played the drum again and again. He had the ambition to gradually leave, but he had no means to take advantage of it. Then he mourned and begged for a yellow crown, and the emperor agreed to it. On the way, I met eighteen people from the Forbidden City, drinking wine in the corner of the city, playing drums and harps to say goodbye. Countless voices were heard, the lamentations were choked, and the tears fell like rain. Xihu Zhiyu and his colleagues wrote a poem in rhyme as a gift, saying, "I urge you to drink another glass of wine. There will be no old friends when you leave Yangguan in the west." The poets are fourteen people: Wang Qinghui, Chen Zhenshu, Huang Huizhen, He Fengyi, Zhou Jingzhen, Ye Jinghui, Kong Qingzhen, Zheng Huizhen, Fang Miaojing, Weng Yishu, Zhang Miaoyi, Jiang Yishun, Lin Shunde and Yuan Zhengshu.
What sounds good? There are Lu Xiangzhen, Lu Xiangxiang, Lu Linzhen, Lu Liangjun, Lu Zhao, Lu Qiaoxu, Lu Runjia, Lu Encheng, Lu Lingmu,