The drawing method of bookmark lotus is as follows:
1. Pencil draft. Outline the lotus flower.
2. Petal background color. Pigment rose madder.
3. Deepen the outline of the petals. Pigment rose madder, vermilion.
4. Color the lotus pods and flower stems. Pigments include olive green, tree green, dark green, and earthy yellow.
5. Petal outline. Pigment rose madder. The petals are partially deepened. The pigments are green lotus, medium yellow and vermilion.
6. The petals deepen. The pigments are rose crimson and green lotus. The lotus pods deepen. Pigment olive green.
7. Hook the lotus pod. The pigment is raw brown.
8. Complete the manuscript. Tie a ribbon.
The above is how to draw the bookmark lotus.